Chapter 5 - Harper

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"W-What," I stuttered, trying not to let the fear radiate from my voice. My mother cocked her eyebrow, grabbing my hand and placing the gun firmly in it. She closed my hand around the handle.

"You heard me," she said positioning me to aim."Go for the head."

I shook lightly, my head filling with dreaded thoughts and an uncanny sense of sickness fill my stomach. My legs made their way toward the old man. I felt so cruel, so vile; that this is something I could never forgive myself for. Tears welled in my eyes. I felt the two piercing eyes burn into my back as she watched my every move. I leaned into his ear hearing his mumbling words.

"Please," his voice sounded sweet, and you could see the tears streaming down his face. I felt a tear stream down my face as I touched his fibula pushing it back into place. I could hear his battened cries as the pain surged through him into me. I could sense the worry of his children and grandchildren. A daughter, pacing around a well-decorated living room with her older brother.



I turn to my mother smiling big. A persona to confuse her. She looked proud in a way, it was sickly.

"Hey mom," I spoke, not letting the fear get to me. She smiled slightly.


"Can you actually go upstairs and take care of Adrian. I don't want him to be scared of you know," I said keeping up the facade. Her face turns into understanding, turning her mouth into a close O. She walked away closing the big door behind her. I ran after her locking the door so she won't be able to get in. I rushed down back towards the man. I picked up the loaded handgun and aimed it at him. I shot the gun. He screamed shortly then closed his eyes.

I walked up to him looking him up and down. I pushed my hand on his mouth slightly enough to muffle him.

"Shhh. I only shot the wall. Quiet before someone hears you," I looked at his eyes. He looked, hopeful. Like this was something new to him. I took some blood from his leg, splattering it on the wall. I took a piece of cloth from his white button up and stuffed it in his mouth.

"This is going to hurt," I said in a comforting tone. He nodded his head, and I proceeded. I placed my hand on his chest. I pushed down in a compression, hard enough to break his ribs. He cried in pain as I pushed farther.


His bones started mending together, his skin healing automatically as the aura between us was growing. I felt a slight cut forming on my cheek. I brushed off the burning and focused on him.
The aura burst out making no noise. The muffled screams stopped and I released the cloth from his mouth. He breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up being able to walk again. He hugged me tightly releasing after a good minute.

"Thank You," he spoke silently. Walking back towards the wall and then disappeared.


The night has passed, the color of my numbers turning into a full white. The cut on my cheek wasn't a problem, a white gauze covered it with some medical tape. I could sense his healing going well and his family wanting to know who I am to thank.

My mother felt on edge like something was wrong and she knew it started with me. She would constantly pester if I was okay and if I was sure.

It was every other morning in my house breakfast and the beading eyes of my father. Expectations were getting very high. Then leaving unannounced to visit Mr. Nettle.


"You're pushing too hard Harper, you need to relax," he spoke stopping the training. He was holding little mats used for boxing. My hands were wrapped in white ace bandages, my knuckles turning red from the constant hitting. I looked at him blankly.

"What do you mean, I'm doing it exactly how it's done," my angry temper taking over. I felt angrier at my parents right now than anything. How can I be related to such vile people? Why couldn't my parents be part of the peace corp and sing kumbaya by a big campfire? He shook his head slightly holding the rounded circles ready. I immediately reacted. I started punching and kicking the plates and then broke the left one.

"Do you see what I mean Harper," Mr. Nettle said shaking his head. The ringing of his work bell ringed softly. This place is a gym, and Mr. Nettle only does special training while everyone else uses the equipment. Usually, though, no-one is here this early in the morning. It is 6:28.

I pushed my hair back, retying it in its original pony. I took off my ace bandages, throwing them into my multicolored gym bag. I grabbed my wrist as pain surged through it. I could hear someone else in the front having the same pain. The pain then suddenly, stopped. It was odd, very strange. The day now read 10. I looked at the clock to see the time. 6:30. Shit, I'm going to miss the bus. I grabbed my things hauling ass out of the gym. I brushed past a man, not having any time to say goodbye or sorry. I ran to the bus, barely beating it by a landslide. I got on awaiting for the new day to start. And hope it will awake a new dawn.

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