Operation: Red Ice part two

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(A/N): Hey all! Welcome to the second part in the story, i am super pumped for the story, and want to thank freezieboi for adding this to a list ALREADY!!! That is awesome, and i hope i don't disappoint!

Now then, I'll shut up and GET TO THE STORY!!!!!


(y/n) POV

 We start to make a break for the treeline, as the extraction point is just on the other side when I hear one of them call out our position.

(y/n):" We need to hurry!! They aren't going to let up anytime soon!"

Ash:" We're not going to make it, there too many of them! Anyone have an idea?"

(y/n):" Don't worry, I've got it covered." As you pull out a detonator, and see them in and around the farm house, and hit the switch. The farmhouse erupts in a massive explosion, taking out all the white mask.

Everyone stops at the treeline, seeing the burning wreck of the farmhouse.

Dokkaebi:" We should get out of here."

Ash:" Agreed."

As you break though the trees, you can see the helicopter, about 5 meters away.

Tachanka:"Hurry comrades, there must be more of them around!"

As you approach the copter, you notice a faint red dot on Dokkaebi's neck.

(y/n):"DOKKAEBI, LOOK OUT!!!!", As you shove her out of the way, you hear the crack of a .308 rifle off in the distance, followed by several more.

Dokkaebi POV

I pick myself up off the ground and hear sniper shots, five of them, and turn around as Snow leopard falls to the ground, bleeding from five differnt places. "DOC!! GET OVER HERE NOW!!!" Tachanka rushes to him, slings him of his shoulder, and runs to the chopper.

Tachanka:"Come on comrades, we need to go NOW!!"

Timeskip brought to you  by chibi Doc trying to keep chibi (y/n) alive

3rd person POV

As soon as the chopper touches down, (y/n) is put on a stretcher, and rushed to the medical bay.

Dokkaebi returns to the cafiteria as its about lunch time. She is aproached by  Frost and Thatcher.

Thatcher:" What happened to him? Who is he even?"

Frost:"That looked like Snow Leopard, one of the best JTF2 operators, he has 150 confirmed kills. Also a brilliant hacker."

Dokkiaebi:" He hacked me when i tried to find him with his phone. He's amazing. As for what happened, he took five sniper shots for me."

Buck:" I'm sure he will pull though. He's the toughest man I know."

Just then, (y/n) walks in, puts a finger to his mask, and sneaks up behind frost and buck.

(y/n):" You two STILL worrying about me, eh?"

Buck seems unfazed, but frost whips around surprised. 

Frost:" What the hell are you doing out of the medbay?!?!"

(y/n)" Well i'm not supposed to be out yet, but maple syrup does wonders for a Canadian."

Doc walks in "Actually, only one shot hit him, however, it went through one of his lungs. He'll be cleared for field duty tomorrow."

Intercom:"Can all operators report to the meeting room, and will our guest report to my office. Thank you."


(a/n) hi! i again would like to thank you all for reading!

remember, any question is a good question, so let me have'em!

See you next time!

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