Chapter Twenty Nine!

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The sun broke through the blinds that morning, although that didn’t bring a smile to her face; instead, she lazily got up and out of bed and dragged herself to the bathroom for a quick shower. Her flight was at 9:45 and it was already 7:58. She knew it would take a while before she could get to the airport from her mother’s house, so she had to hurry.

After a quick shower and a few pancakes, followed by hair-doing, teeth brushing, and make up applying she said her final goodbyes to her mother. She hadn’t known that it began to rain, but it felt good against her hot skin. She drove in somewhat of a rush to get to the airport. With only her wallet and phone as a carry on, she waited for her plane to be ready.

She sat in the chairs, shifting every now and then uncomfortably. She knew what she was doing wasn’t what she wanted and she wished she could have said goodbye to her friends before she left.

“So, you’re just going to leave without saying goodbye?” a scarcely familiar voice asks from behind her. Jessabelle nearly jumps out of her seat. She sees the whole gang: Spencer, Brent, Ryan, Brendon, Miss. Kay, and Jecilia. Hey eyes water and her lower lips quivers.

“Damnit, Belle, don’t you ever do that again, alright?” Brendon says pulling her into a hug. She sobs in his warm chest, a place she’d missed dearly.

“I’m sorry, Brendon. I’m so sorry.” she whimpers. Brendon strokes her hair and tells her it was going to be alright. “You’ll be great in New York. I promise.” he whispers in her ear. The rest of the band, Miss. Kay, and Jecilia join in the hug.

“Jessa, if you ever run off like that again, I will personally come and slit your throat, got it?” Jecilia threatens. Jessabelle laughs through her sobs. “We were all worried, Jessa. Where did you stay last night?” Spencer asks.

“At my mom’s house.” Jessabelle answers, still hugging onto everyone. Brendon breaks the hug and takes Jessabelle by the shoulders. Everyone stands behind then, faces of relief. “Look, I’m gonna be coming to see you as often as I can, Belle. Don’t you forget about me while you’re busy with work.”

“And don’t rush yourself into anything.”

“Be safe.”

“We love you, redhead.”

They all shoot out positives to Jessabelle, who tries hard to choke back her tears. They bettered her feelings a lot at that moment. She knew she didn’t want to leave. She belonged in Vegas, but it was too late. New York was her home now…

“I’m gonna miss you guys so much.” she sniffles. “We’re gonna miss you more.” Brendon’s voice shakes. His brown eyes grew tears. “Don’t cry, you big baby.” Jessabelle giggles as she wipes his eyes. “I’ll come and visit you all soon, alright.” she says. “You bet your ass you will.” Jecilia smiles. Ryan takes her hand and twines it with hers. Brendon does the same with Jessabelle, his heart slowly sinking.

“I’m gonna miss you, Belle.” he nearly sobs. “I’m gonna… I’m gonna miss you too!” she hollers out. “Flight 143 please begin boarding. Flight 143, please begin boarding.” the loud speaker announces. “I guess this is it, then.” Jecilia says, hugging Jessabelle one last time. “I love you, Valentine. Be safe. Call me every day. And you better not have a new best friend.” she whispers. “How could I every replace you?”

“You can’t!” Jecilia laughs. “You got that right.”

“Last call for flight 143.” the lady says. “Shut the hell up!” Jecilia growls. They laugh. Jessabelle walks over to the gate and looks back. She brings herself to tears yet again. She turns around and walks down the walkway and onto the plane

[Sweetie, you had me]

Brendon and Jecilia drove together, talking up their visit to see Jessabelle. When it hit him… “I let her go…” he mutters to himself. “What are you talking about?” Jecilia asks. “I’m not gonna lose her. I’m going back and I’m bringing her home.” Brendon states. He does a complete doughnut and makes his way back to the airport – which was now 20 minutes away.

“Drive, you psycho maniac, drive!” Jecilia shouts.

They were quickly coming towards an intersection, there light was green. But you don’t always expect the best out of a green light… sometimes items can be closer than what they appear.  

This was no accident; This was a Therapeutic Chain of Events: Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now