One Night?

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Beyoncé Knowles
Beverly Hills, CA
9:05 PM

I look at myself in the full body mirror of the bathroom as Kelly and Michelle come out of the stalls and head to wash their hands.

I look at myself in the full body mirror of the bathroom as Kelly and Michelle come out of the stalls and head to wash their hands

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"Girl, you look GOOD! Calm the hell down!" Michelle tells me as I smooth the front of my dress. I chuckle and thank her as I see her and Kelly drying off their hands then throwing their trash away.

We start making our way back out to where the hundreds of people are located. We're currently at a charity dinner and I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I'm one of the best lawyers in the country so I got a personal invite.

Kelly, Michelle, and I make our way back over to our table and sit down again.

"Damn, I was just here to donate and I already did that so I'm kinda ready to leave, but the speakers still ain't go on." I say quietly to Kelly who's sitting beside me. She chuckles and nods.

"Mhm. It'd look bad though, girl." She tells me and I sigh because she's right. I grab my champagne glass in front of me and take a sip as I look around the large venue.

It's decorated really nicely and I love the purpose of this event, but I'm more of a homebody and I'd rather be home curled up in bed with a large pepperoni pizza beside me as I watch Zootopia or Finding Dory. That sounds absolutely perfect.

Taking another sip of my champagne, my eyes land on the most perfect figure I've ever seen.

I need to see her face.

This olive green dress looks amazing on her light caramel complexion, and her long black hair looks so silky and beautiful. Whoever this is needs to turn around and let me see her face. I already know she's going to have the most beautiful face I've ever seen.

"Bey!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by both Kelly and Michelle calling my name. I groan.

"Yeah?" I say as I set my glass of champagne down. "We've been calling your name for the longest, girl! Where your mind at?" Michelle says, I laugh and shake my head.

"Nothing. There was just this-" I start saying as I look up to see the beauty in the olive green dress walking in my direction.

I freeze. Her face is perfect.

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