Never Again

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Great Neck, NY
October 6th, 2017
11:53 PM

Stepping out of the steamy, hot bathroom with a towel wrapped around me I walk into my bedroom and sit at the edge of my bed after unwrapping the towel from around me.

I just flew into New York from Paris after Paris Fashion Week and I'm exhausted. I spent a lot of time in the studio there by myself. Just sulking about Bey and I's current situation, and writing nonstop. So, I'm in the mood to be babied by my mommy and to eat home cooked meals for a few days before I'm thrown back into my hectic schedule.

Once I'm done moisturizing my entire body, I put on some deodorant, and spray some perfume on, I throw on a black sports bra and a pair of black nike spandex shorts.

"Mommy?!" I yell as I walk out of my bedroom with my phone in hand. "In the kitchen, Nika!" She yells back.

I make my way towards the kitchen and I see her sitting at the island with my sister-in-law Anna. I smile and kiss my mommy's cheek then make my way over to Anna and pull her into a big hug.

When we pull away I go sit on my own spot at the island and my mom passes me a cup of hot chocolate. I thank her.

"I'm so glad you're here, baby." My mama says. I smile and set my cup down after I take a sip.

"I'm so glad I'm here. You have no idea how rough it's been. I was literally in Paris, isolated in the studio just writing," I begin to tell them as I shake my head. "Writing just to write, really. I've been stressing." I finish, looking up at both my mom and Anna.

They give me a small smile, as a way to comfort me. "Has she tried to talk to you?" Anna asks. I shake my head no and sigh.

"Nope. And I would've known if she did because I've been checking my phone more than normal." I reply, picking my cup up to take a sip.

My mom shakes her head. "She'll come around. She's super busy, right?" She asks. I nod.

"Mama, we're both super busy. How hard is it to pick up the phone and shoot me a 4 word text? She can't do something that simple, but she can go have dinner with that b-" I'm cut off. "Watch yourself, Onika." My mom says while glaring at me.

I playfully roll my eyes and Anna laughs. "Sorry. I meant, it's hard for her to do something that simple, but she can go have dinner with Kelly when she knows Kelly has a thing for her. They've kissed twice before this, and this third time I caught them. I just... I don't know. I could tell Bey was semi-drunk, but Kelly definitely wasn't drunk at all." I finish telling them as I sigh dramatically.

My mom shakes her head as I see Anna get up.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but I have to go now. The girls have school tomorrow and I have work at 7." Anna says. She kisses my mom's cheek then I get up to hug her.

"Please bring the girls by tomorrow. I miss them and I can't really go out. I don't wanna be seen." I explain as we pull away from our embrace.

She smiles and nods.  "Of course. I'll bring them by after school." She says. I squeal and kiss her cheek.

I haven't seen my nieces, Kellise and Imani, in about 9 months and I miss them like crazy. Thank God it's Friday so that they can be with me all weekend.

Once my mommy and I walk Anna to her car, we walk back inside and head up to my room.

"Do you want keep talking about this or do you want to go to sleep?" She asks. I shake my head no and lay in bed, throwing the covers over me. My mom laughs and kisses my cheek.

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