THAT picture (kleinphy/conman)

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A/N: Y'all seem to like kleinphy so I decided to write this because I haven't been getting requests. PLEASE LEAVE REQUESTS! I love doing them for y'all.


"Oh my god, Connor!" Zoe ranted, walking into her brothers room. "Why don't you and Jared just go out already?" Connor flushed, embarrassed.

"And what makes you say that?" He asked, suspicious of what his sister had seen.

"Oh, nothing. Just this picture on the school website of y'all falling asleep and cuddling on the bus on the way home from the Senior field trip. It's on everyone's Instagram. I ship you guys so hard, just date!" Zoe practically yelled.

"Jesus Christ, Zoe! Leave me alone."

"I know you liiiikkkeeee him." Zoe sang.


"I know you think he's cute, and funny, and sexy, and you just want him to.." Zoe was cut off by her brother.

"Zoe, stop!"

"Fine." Zoe gave up, heading back to her room.


"Oh my goodness, Jared! Have you seen this picture of you and Connor?" Evan asked. "It's everywhere."

"Show me." Jared demanded. Evan handed him the phone, displaying the ever so popular photo taken on the bus after the Senior field trip. Jared felt his face heat up.

"Awww... you like him!" Evan teased.

"Everyone likes him, Evan! He's, like, hot as fuck, and he's so funny when he actually talks, and..." Jared droned on, zoning out.

"So why don't you just ask him out?" Evan pressured.

"I just don't want to right now, okay? Leave me alone."


"Hey Jared, hey Connor." Alana said, approaching the two boys in the cafeteria. "Have you seen this picture?"

"Let me guess, the one taken on the bus?" Connor asked, rolling his eyes.


"Trust me. We've seen it." Jared assured her.

"Well?" Alana questioned.

"Well, what?" Jared sassed.

"Well, Are you guys dating?"

"No!" They shouted at the same time. Connor and Jared looked at each other sheepishly, blushing slightly.

"Jeez. Okay then, I guess I'll leave you two alone." Alana said, gathering her things and walking away.

"Okay, bye."


"Connor! Come here a second!" His Mom called from downstairs. Connor dragged himself down the stairs, groaning the entire time.

"What do you want?"

"I found this picture on the school website of you and your boyfriend."


"What?" She asked, confused.

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"Okay, Okay. All I want to say is that this picture is really cute. If he's not your boyfriend then you should ask him out. You both obviously like each other."

"Mom!" Connor whined, blushing.

"Okay, Okay. Fine, whatever, I'll leave you alone now.

"Good. Bye. Also, never talk to me about this again." Connor marched his way up the stairs and back to his room.


"Hey, Connor." Jared said, settling down next to him on the bench.

"Hey, Jare."

"Everyone's asking me about the picture of us cuddling. They think we should date." Both boys laughed.

"Yeah, I know." Connor started. "Even my mom confronted me about it last night. And Zoe. And you already know Alana did. Even some people I've never talked to before. It's crazy." He chuckled again.

"I know right!"

"So when should we tell them that we've been dating this whole time?"


Sorry it's kinda short.

Anyways, I know I've already said this a million times, but PLEASE LEAVE REQUESTS! I just love getting them so much.

Have a great day, loves. Happy last day of pride month!💋💋

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