Sticky Notes

103 7 2

Brendon's Notes


things that suck right now (a saga):
-feeeeeelingssss (not hayley, she's a stunningly gorgeous amazing queen)
-nevada heeeeat (i'm m e l t i n g)
-my hair is growing out. heck.
-ive watched the greatest showman three times today and sang every song YET I STILL DONT FEEL BETTER
-tried to force myself to like my school skirt. nope.
-even the moana soundtrack didn't help LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I AM SAD
-mirrors. whoever invented those things is dumb.
-whoever invented the sun sucks, my pale skin can't take ittttt
-fifty nifty united states is literally the only way i'm going to pass geography (at least the us part. i'm screwed for the rest of it.)
-also wtheck am i supposed to do with my john wilkes booth fake moustaches now?
-dallon's worried about me

people/things that don't suck/are good (a series):
-both hayleys
-in no particular order
-even though dallon's at the top.......
-moving on
-kara bought me old adam west batman tapes for my birthday but shhhhhhh it's a surprise for dallon
-finn the fishman (rip)
-cake the cat (innocent until proven guilty)
-sarah orzechowski (LITERALLY THE SWEETEST)
-i'm officially 5'3" (growth spurtttt heck yeeeeeah)
-i'm gonna be a freshman wtheeeeck

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