F*** a Silver Lining

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You know what? Fuck everyone. Fuck them and their goddamn clouds with silver linings. Their only purpose is to fill you with false hope. It's just a façade to make you think that everything will one day be okay. But they don't tell you that, do they? Nope. At least, they didn't tell me. I was told that I'd get my silver lining, but if anything, those "silver linings weren't really silver, just a shiny reflective paint and a false hope. I reach them, and every time I do, I try to touch my "silver lined" cloud, and the paint crumbles away and falls to the ground below. Things don't get better. They never have. They never will. "Why?" you ask? The answer is simply that they can't. They never could, nor will they ever be able to. It's almost funny, or, at least, it would almost be funny if there weren't so many people getting fucked over because of it. I'm sick and tired of letting these false and temporary and passing things fuck me up by giving me a false sense of hope only to have it dashed to the ground and shattered to millions of bits. And I can guarantee that thousands of others feel the same way. Those silver linings, they're one in a billion. They don't exist in love, they don't exist in the career world. Hell, they don't even exist in the fucking internet world. People tend to just cling too much onto their fake silver linings and let themselves get dragged down by the paint chips and the rain. I can't do this anymore. I can't let my feelings do this to me anymore. Fuck a silver lining. Fuck having your head up in the clouds. To live in this world you have to be cold, cruel, heartless, and soulless. So I guess that's where I now must turn.

-  Leah

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