My New Shirt!

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*Ahna's Pov*

I can't breathe. He's crushing me. He starts to move forward, he grabs my hand and starts to drag me away, to do lord knows what. He pushes me into the disabled bathrooms a distance away and onto the floor. He's momentarily distracted as he pulls his shirt over his head and drop it on the floor. Then he comes over and sits on top of me, starting to undo my shirt.

I'm pinned. I can't do a damn thing, and I hate myself for it. I can feel the strength within me but I just can't summon it. The room spins and a pain like no other rolls through my body. My eyes roll back Into my head and I pass out.

*Joey's Pov*

I can't believe how easy this chick is. she's lying unconscious on the floor like a damn doll. I pull the rest of her shirt off and throw it across the room.


She stir's a little.

Straddling her, I brace a hand either side of her head and lean down to kiss her again. Her eyes flash open, staring at me with a look so dark it makes my blood run cold. Creepy I think. But I keep going.

I stop and move down to her jeans. I unbutton them and start to pull them past her hips.

She reaches up, fast as lightning and grabs my throat. I let go. She looks at the location of her hand, tilts her head and for a minute I swear she looks hungry. At the sight of my throat.

She flexes, applying pressure and I feel my airways being crushed, starting to collapse. I reach up and try to pull her hands away. This bitch is crazy! My eyes start to pop and bulge and I'm begging over and over "please! Please, let me go! I'm sorry ok?" Red dots blur my vision.

She gets up, pulling me up with her, still clutching my throat; and throws me across the room.

I crash against the door and pain shoots through my spine.

I slowly open my eyes, black patches taking chunks of my vision, to see her advancing, but I'm in so much pain I don't think I can move.

A slow grin spreads on her face, her stare is murderous. She must be evil.

Dad always said teenager girls are all sluts and need men to save them from going to hell.

She reaches me as her grin turns to something else. She's baring her teeth... Like a dog...

she straightens up to her full height. not much, but right now it's terrifying. She brings her leg up. And with super human force crashes it down on my leg.

I throw my head back and scream as the pain bring tears to my eyes.

It's broken. The bitch broke my leg. I heard it snap, I can see the bone.

The grin drops from her face and she pulls her arm back and brings an upper cut to my jaw. with her other arm she sends another punch to my right eye. I'm barley conscious now, I bring a hand to my head, it's wet.

I bring my hand away and find a warm sticky liquid there. blood.

The girl grab's the hand covered in blood and whirs me around in a 'hammer throw' before letting go, watching me fly across the room and into the mirror above the basin. It smashes and loges into my back and neck. Something tingles. I fall back onto the basin before rolling to the floor I moan in agony.My arm is hanging at a weird angle and I'm losing consciousness. The last thing that runs through my mind is that I got blood on the the T- shirt mama bought me for tonight.


(A/N) Just wanna say making him seem like a big baby was the most fun I've had so far! Woopeee

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