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One hand clamped over my mouth the other wrapped firmly around my waist. I close my eyes and try to listen to my instincts. Then I let them wash over me. My other 'personality' as the doctors call it, starts to growl. She wants to take over. She doesn't have a name.

I just call the 'other' or 'she' and stuff like that.

I take several quick, panicked breaths before flinging my head back and into my attackers whilst bring down my foot and stomping on his instep. He let's go and grunts in pain. I bring my foot back and kick back into his stomach for good measure. He falls to the ground moaning.

I sense another, behind me, I turn just as he leaps, about to tackle me. I fall back to the ground with him on top of me. My feet on his knees and hands on his chest. I use the momentum to roll backwards, pushing him over my head, I then backwards somersault, into a crouch as he continues to fly back several metres. 'Other' grins, clearly enjoying this more than me.

I karate chop him in the throat and kick him in the sides before running to a more open part of the paddock, where I can get a good view of any more oncoming attackers.

More and more are coming in from all sides. Seven by my count. I slip further into my instincts, until I'm no longer thinking about what I'm doing.

Instincts and have got me this far. They can get me through to the end.

Someone else is in my body.

I'm present in the back of my mind, but someone else is controlling my movements. It's more than just 'other' having a bit of fun. This isn't like her. I think.

I don't know about 'her' but I sure as hell didn't just take down three of the hulking figures surrounding me.

And it wasn't me that crouched down and waited for the other four to make their move.

It surely isn't me that has this never ending supply of strength and stamina.

It can't be. I can't can't believe that.

I won't .

I'm shaking. Did I just break that guys neck? There's so much blood. For some reason I suddenly need a cheese burger.

A strange buzzing fills my body. Adrenaline?


Its getting stronger. I hear a crunch and then further snapping - it's my bones.

My bloods boiling- literally- a scream exploded from my lungs and I fall to the ground, hands clawing the dirt in front of me, I arch my back as another wave of agony rolls through my body. My face is sticky from a mix of blood and tears. I can make out the soft thud of foot step coming up from behind where I lay.

I try to look up, get up, anything. I'm sure at this point I look like a child throwing a tantrum. A body lying, writhing on the ground. This is it then.

Their going to kill me? Well they can damn well try, but there's no way this ships sinking, without kicking, and screaming, until I drag their sorry asses down with me.

*Ash's Pov*

I wait in the shadows. This is pointless. I shouldn't have to baby sit those imbeciles. I think they can handle one little girl without screwing everything up. But no. The boss says this is 'important'.

She walks forward, slipping off her shoes, and raises her arms like wings. Curious I think to myself, wondering what she's doing. She looks up at the moon and her eyes flash bright blue-green. No doubting she's the one then. What we're here for.

I signal rick and he sneaks up behind her. Pretty damn hard seeing as he's easily 140 kg. But hey, who wants a skinny henchman? In a flash, the kid turns and kicks all 140 kilos of him to the curb. I smile to my self. she was supposed to be in the dark about our world. Clearly i thought wrong.

I sense ken going in and relax a little. Then she pulls a fucking G.I Joe on him.

I chuckle to myself. Well that just made my day.

She starts hissing and gets into a predatory stance. The rest of the squad circles around, Waiting for her to surrender.

Then she does the opposite and attacks three of the guys, snapping bones and smashing heads.

The remaining four mange to restrain her. She kicks and punches, fighting like a cat out of hell.

She squirms her way out and starts dogging, weaving and punching.

I realise with a sigh it's time to step in, before she incapacitates the entire team.

I raise my left hand and feel the energy running down my arm, pooling into my hands and stretching to the tips of my fingers before pushing onwards, racing towards the girl like wispy ribbons of energy.

They plunge into her body, creating a path of destruction as they target the nerve endings in her body.

She drops to the ground, unconscious from the massive wave of pain that suddenly take hold. It happens every time. It's humane, because they black out as soon as the pain hits.

I walk towards the girl. she's writhing on the ground in pain.

I frown. Something is wrong. She shouldn't be conscious. She must be a hell of a lot stronger than the boss thought.

Hmph. 'Just a girl' he said. 'Don't worry' he said.

I can't take it any more. Her face is so pale, her eyes completely black. She'll heal in no time, but the pain she's in is just unspeakable.

I reach into my pack and pull out some chloroform. I dampen a cloth with it and pull her into my arms, she squirms and grunts, trying to get free. I press the cloth to her mouth, pinching her nose with my fingers.

She lets out a muffled scream and fights harder for a moment before growing weaker until she goes limp. And in that moment there's something in her eyes.

I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but in my head, the taunt "I know something you don't know" is ringing.

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