Chapter 1

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Have you ever laid in your bed and just cried? Because you think you're ugly. Because you're not good enough for anyone. You've counted all your flaws from head to toe, making yourself feel worse. Cried because of all the comments blurt out, actually hurt? Cried because your family is dysfunctional and never understands you. They tell you to stop complaining. That you have it so much better than kids in africa, even though they don't understand your life either. You don't want to feel like an attention seeker, so you bottle everything up. Around friends and family you've created this lying smile and people believe it. But then at night time, when you're all alone in bed, the girl who everyone thought was always so happy, is crying her broken heart out.

It all started an year ago, when everyone started pointing out my insecurities, and I thought that the best option was to ignore them but soon, more and more people started getting on me, the comments they blurted out, the way they teased me was getting on my head. When people keep pulling you down you start to believe it and that's exactly what happened.

People say that a teenager's life is full of fun, but I guess mine was written differently. It was all good until I turned 15, that's when I became insecure about myself, Maybe I would have never started counting my flaws like that if my own parents wouldn't have made me count them.

My name is Destiny, I am 15, I have always wanted to look like a princess so that people noticed me and my talents.It was my sister's birthday today and I was preparing a birthday card for her. I've always been good in creative works, I've won alot of awards for it but no one every paid much attention to them.

"Destiny!" I ignored my aunt and continued working. My aunt visits us almost every week and she seemed to hate me, whenever she came here she'll always try different ways to hurt me and make me look useless in front of everyone. "DESTINY!" She shouted at the top of her voice, I kept my colours down and went out, "What?" Her expression changed when she saw me, "Come here,darling " she said sarcastically and scanned me from top to bottom twice. "Yeah?" "We and your mom are going out for shopping for my beautiful daughter Heather."

Heather, was my younger sister, she was pretty, she had jet black hair and was everyone's favourite. "Okay.." I said slowly, and expected her to tell me why she'd actually called me here. "So, I want you to do the dishes and clean the house till we come back." I knew it. I just nodded my head and then she left.

'Dishes. Living room. Bedrooms. Bathroom. Darn it!' There was a lot to do and so less time, I decided to do the dishes first, there was a huge pile of dishes kept in a corner. "They must have had an amazing night last night" I turned around and switched on the radio, it helps me to stay calm and do my work with pace.

I looked around, the kitchen looked quite clean,"A few more to go" I picked up a mug, it was my Aunt's favourite mug, SQUEAK. SQUEAK. "NO!" And then a sound I didn't wanted to hear. I looked down and the mug was broken into a million pieces. I could see my future in these broken pieces, I threw the pieces away hoping that my Aunt won't notice it soon. Once I was done with my dishes, I went to clean the living room. 

Once I completed my work, I went to my room and slept, I was so tired to complete the card or do something else, I laid down on my bed and immediately dosed off to sleep. After a while I woke up with a slap on my face.

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