Chapter 9

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Haley and E'dawn went shopping and hui asked if they all could hang out which Haley as okay with, and E'dawn really like hanging out with hui, and E'dawn has news to tell Haley and hui mostly, he didn't think the others would care.

"So, I have something I want to tel you guys" E'dawn smiled as they walked into his room sitting on the bed, hui laying across Haley's legs as she played with his hair, "what" hui asked, "YOU FINALY HIT PUBERTY" Haley smiled as hui laughed, "no, I-" and Haley cut him off, "oh, I was hoping that maybe once ya know you did, we could go and check out the fine honeys" Haley said as hui choked on his spit, "youre gay" he asked as I snorted through my nose, hurting my self, I covered my face as I began to laugh.

"No, E'dawn is bisexual" I said as I looked at E'dawn and saw him smiling shyly. "I'm straight" hui said as he put his hands in the air. "Or are you" I asked as he nodded, "you sure about that, just look at the cute face" I said making hui look at E'dawn. He got so awkward it was amazing. "Haley stop, you're gonna hurt the poor boy" E'dawn laughed as he pulled his cousin away from the boy, they looked at him as he made a face they couldn't describe.

"How you feelin" Haley asked nudging hime with her foot. He giggled a nervous giggle, "right now I'm feeling confused, I think I might be questioning my sexuality" Hui said as Haley laughed, "hey, maybe instead of me having a boy toy, we get you one and see how you feel, that's what I did with E'dawn" Haley smiled nudging the purple haired boy. He chuckled, "nah" he said as Haley sighed deeply, "seriously though, if you were a chick, who would you date" Haley asked sitting next to the boy as he shrugged, "I'm not really sure, if you are talking about the group, I only know E'dawn, if you aren't than no one really, I don't really talk to anyone" he said as Haley made a motion for E'dawn to get some of hui, he looked at hui and shook his head no, hui looked at Haley as she stopped and looked at him as if she was startled. "Yes hui" you asked as he smiled, "stop" he said as Haley gushed, "AHHHHH, you like E'dawn" Haley said as hui got embarrassed and E'dawn just sat there watching, Haley poked his shoulder "you like E'dawn, YOU LIKE EDAWN" Haley sang/screamed through the room,

"Haley, I don't like E'dawn" hui said as Haley stopped, Haley sat next to E'dawn and looked at hui, "you don't like my baby cousin" She asked as he shook his head no, the dramatic girl let out a fake cry. "AHHHH, it's okay my baby girl ONE DAY YOU WILL FIND HAPPINESS AND I SWEAR TO GOD ILL BE THERE WITH YOU MY LOVEY BABY, ITS OKAY, WHO NEEDS FRIENDS" She said as she hugged E'dawn tightly as he laughed at her, hui was confused, "no no wait, I do like him but-" he tried to explain but Haley cut him off, "OH MY GOD, E'dawn he likes you, MY BABY IS GETTING LAIDDDD" She said as She slide off the bed and walked to the door, "have fun" she let out a giggled "use protection, you can still get aids through the asshole" She said, pointing a finger at them and shut the door, she pressed her ear to the door. As she soon heard laughter and talking about how crazy she is, she went to walk in as she heard hui say something, "do you like me" hui asked as Haley knew E'dawn just shrugged his shoulders.

"Aish....Babo.....get some of hui" Haley mumbled getting closer to the door, "Haley just come back in" E'dawn said as she walked in, she saw E'dawn and hui laying next to each other but hui was laying on E'dawn "are you sure you want me in here" she asked wiggling her eyebrows, "Haley Nicol'e now" he said as she rolled her eyes, she hopped on the bed and laid across both of them, she sighed loudly as they looked at her, she looked at them and quickly turned her head when she saw them already looking at her, she let out another sigh, "are you bored" E'dawn asked as she smiled, "you read my mind" she smiled as hui smiled and shook his head. "What do you want to do" he asked as Haley smirked, "7 minutes in heaven , first up hui and E'dawn, have fun, take as long as you need, just take protection" Haley smiled as they rolled their eyes at her. "I'm gonna get this ship to sail" Haley said determined, "Haley we already tested it, he's not into dudes, so stop" he said as hui sadly watched, "really, you kissed without me watching" she asked sadly, "YOU LEFT THE ROOM" E'dawn yelled which was a dead give away, "you lied to me" she said as he groaned.

"Haley, just let it go" hui said as she sighed. "All my ships never sail" Haley said dramatically as she flopped onto the bed hard, letting out a sigh.

"Haley...."hui said as she looked up at them hui looked at E'dawn and kissed him. Haley gasped as they broke the kiss, "you guys will be together" Haley smiled, "Haley, he's straight, he did that to shut you up" E'dawn said as hui let out a sigh. "Is he telling the truth" I asked as he looked at E'dawn. "No, noo, he kissed you, a 'straight' man kiss a half gay man, you're at least bi right hui" Haley asked, as she put the word "straight" in quotation marks.

"Hui" E'dawn said as he looked over at him slowly, "do you like me" he asked as he let out a sigh, "maybe now I do" hui let out as Haley let out a scream of excitement.

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