Chapter 13

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Haley woke up in the hospital, groaning and trying to move but she could Barley move, her chest hurts, and she just wanted to sleep. "No, that's not her father" she heard E'dawn, "no, her parents died a long time ago, she's my cousin, she lives me, and lived with my mom, her aunt, you don't have to call anyone" E'dawn said as Haley looked around the room, "sir than I'm going to have to call your mom" she heard a female voice.

She sat up, as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked at the hand and followed it, "mommy" she said, "do I looked That feminine" yanan laughed as she dropped her smiled but smiled after, "Sorry, the lights funny" she said as she laid back down.

E'dawn gave the nurse his moms number, hui stood next to E'dawn comforting him, he might not seem like it, but E'dawn was worried, confused, and angry at Haley all together, but mostly he wanted to cry.

Hui and E'dawn looked over at Haley as the nurse left, Haley felt ashamed but sat up in the bed groaning, she rubbed her eyes and shook her head, she looked up and saw E'dawn looking at her upset. "What happened" he said as Haley groaned, "give me a second, I don't remember" she said laying back, her back hurting and her head throbbing. "What did you see when you found her" E'dawn asked yanan, "the same thing you guys did" he lied as E'dawn rubbed his head, "Haley, what did you pass out from" he asked, "I'm not sure, I probably had a panic attack or something, I don't remember" she rubbed her head.

"Haley, you used coke, and edible, and shrooms, they found it in your system, don't fucking lie to me, did you try to overdose" he asked, "oh my gosh E'dawn, get with it, I didn't try to overdose, I was frustrated and I went home, I didn't feel like going to your house so I thought I could sneak into my house but, my dad saw me coming up to the door, he yelled at me, he wouldn't stop yelling and...and...I don't remember anything else" she lied and looked at yanan, than hui, than E'dawn.

Hui didn't believe her for one second, and yanan knew she wasn't telling the hole truth E'dawn rubbed his head in frustration.

"Haley,you need to move out of that house, I don't feel like taking you to the hospital everyday" he said.

Haley looked up at the boys, "than where am I gonna go, I don't want to live with my dad, I am not entirely comfortable with living with you, and I barley have enough money for food" Haley said as E'dawn scoffed, "it's either me, or my mom, you're not going back to your dads" E'dawn whispered as Haley sighed.

"Oh my gosh E'dawn, you're making this really hard" haley groaned, "it's not hard at all" E'dawn said as he crossed his arms, "Haley, it seems like, living with E'Dawn would be the best place for you" yanan said, "yeah, DOESNT your dad know where your aunt lives, if you go there he would just take you back him, but he doesn't know where E'dawn lives, so just stay with him" hui said as Haley rubbed her eyes.

"This is stupid..." Haley rolled her eyes, she didn't want to be a burden on E'dawn and she doesn't want to feel like she would be intruding on E'dawn and hui.

"Haley, you're living with me, that's final" E'dawn said as Haley rolled her eyes, she acted as if she didn't care but really it was a huge relief for her.

Soon the doctor came in, and talked to everyone.  The doctor looked over at Haley unamused, "we don't usually allow addicts in this building, and proscribing them with anything, but your choice of drugs for an overdose was-" Haley cut him off, "I didn't try to overdose you fucking ninny" Haley rubbed her head as he looked taken aback from Haley's comment, but the boys saw it coming.

"Than what did you try to do" he asked as Haley slumped down, "I'm sure you've got your ways of calming down, I don't see a wedding ring so you're not married, and seeing how you've been looking at yanan like a is a price of meat and you are a lion, it shows that you're either gay or bi, but not married, and you were looking at him like that, so you don't have a girlfriend, or boyfriend, and so that means, you can't relieve yourself by sex unless you pay someone, and, you don't seem like the dog person, maybe two cats. Also you seem stressed so that means, you've got kids, so either a pervious relationship or adoption" Haley smiled as he rolled his eyes, "I don't get paid for this, Uh excuse me" he said as he left, "why did you say that" yanan asked, "cause, he made up something and so I did too" Haley shrugged as E'dawn smiled, "I remember when we were kids, we were waiting for the bus and this kid came up and started making fun of how pale I was, and Haley went...wait what did you say" E'dawn asked looking at Haley as she smiled.

"I said, that 'it looks like you are upset, your eyes are puffy, so you were crying but your eyes aren't bloodshot so you weren't crying hard and you've got tear stains and a red mark on your arm. So you got hit, maybe so you got hurt. Also, you look as if you haven't had a good meal in a long time, your hair is messy, and your clothes are baggy, and dark. So are you getting hurt at home and coming to my cousin to make him feel bad' and he said yes, I told him to talk to the school about it and they'd help him" Haley smiled as E'dawn smiled back, "Wait, what happened to the kid" yanan asked as I smiled, "you know G Dragon" I asked as his eyes went wide, "no way, Big Bang" hui asked, "bang bang bang" we all said in unison. Than laughed, "yeah, G was the bully, and I think I helped him, I'm not sure" Haley shrugged as hui smiled, yanan, smiled and E'dawn chuckled. "I'm sure you did" he smiled as the doctor came back in.

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