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Now 10 year old Jungkook sat on the ground of the backyard of his house. It was late but his parents didn't care. The grass was damp from the rain this morning, Jungkook paid no mind to it. Darkness filled everything around him while the starts shone bright in the sky. One particular star still shone the brighest to him. Along the years Jungkook wished on the star, most of his wishes being something good happening to people around him. From his parents being happy to even the random person finding their lost dog. The world was a scary, dark and evil place. Jungkook was still pure and full of love to give out to the world. He so badly wanted to wish for his parents attention. But even though he didn't know his wishes came true, he never dared to be that selfish. Because he knew his parents wouldn't be truly happy if they started paying him more attention. They didn't want him, he understood that much. Still it hurt. The people who were supposed to love him unconditially, didn't.

Now Jungkook was in fourth grade. He still hadn't made any friends and sometimes other kids would make fun of him for that. Kids can be very mean. He hated kids despite being one himself. But he always felt older than he actually was. Or at least just more mature. While everyone else in his class were playing with toys and spending their time with friends, Jungkook was at home studying. That led into him being too smart for his grade. So they moved him up with fifth graders.

Tomorrow would be his first day in fifth grade, in new class. Subjects would be harder and there would be new people. But that didn't bother Jungkook much, he knew he was smart. And it's not like he had any friends before so nothing would change. Now sitting on the wet ground Jungkook looked up at his star. He considered it his friend. To him it seemed as if the start was always there for him. Whenever he felt sad or depressed he looked up and there it was, shining brightly just for him. He didn't believe in magic but he believed the star was alive and could hear him. Not questioning the likelyhood of that being true, he stared at the star and started talking to it.

"Hi Hope" Yes Jungkook named his star. The star gave him hope, it only seemed right to call it that. "Tomorrow is my first day in fifth grade... I'm a little nervous even tho I know I will do just fine" He sighed. He didn't want to be sad right now. But thinking about being alone, he can't help but be sad. "I gotta be honest with you... I'm sad... I know I won't have anyone to help me through the changes" Jungkook whiped his eyes and looked back up while leaning on his hands behind his back.
"I wish I had someone that cared for me as much as I would care for them"  Jungkook saw the star twinkle a little bit and smiled. This happened every now and then. And that's part of the reason why he believed the star is alive. He felt as if the twinkling was a way of the star letting him know it heard him since it happened every time Jungkook talked with it.

Next day came and Jungkook headed to his new class. fifth graders were known for being mean so Jungkook was extremely nervous when he saw then glaring at him. He didn't want to be late so he came a little bit early and sat on a bench in front of the class waiting for teacher to come.

"Hi!" A loud greeting starteled Jungkook out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw a brigtly smiling boy sitting next to him. The boy smiled with adorable box smile which was easing Jungkooks nerves. This boy seemed friendly.

"Hi?" Jungkook greeted him back with a little doubt in his voice. He, after all, didn't know this boy. He noticed him having greeen stripes in his hair which was weird. Not because he has green in his brown hair but because the boy was probably 11 years old and hair dye is not good for kids under 16. But he wasn't gonna focus on that, maybe the dye was temporary.

"I'm Taehyung! I heard you were transfered in our class from fourth grade! That must mean you're pretty smart! Don't worry about not knowing anyone I'm gonna stay with you all the time! Some of the kids here can be mean to younger kids but don't worry you're gonna be fine with me! You're cute we are gonna be great friends!" Taehyung smiled bright and waited for Jungkooks response. To be honest he was a little taken back from all that blabbering from a stranger. But he didn't mind. It seemed like someone was finally willing to be his friend and Jungkook was not about to pass that opportunity.

"I'm Jungkook. Nice to meet you and thank you I guess?" He smiled shyly.

And he didn't know it then, but Taehyung turned out to be one of the most important people in Jungkooks life.

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