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Jungkook's 16th year of life was no better than the previous ones. Highschool was hard. Really hard. Luckily for him, he stayed in the same class as Taehyung. Though Taehyung has been hanging out more with their other classmate, Jimin. He wanted to say something to Taehyung, make him realize he is slowly leaving his best friend behind for some boy he likes. Ah yes that was another thing; Taehyung never told Jungkook he liked Jimin. Jungkook just figured it out by himself. And that hurt him. They used to share everything with each other. Now they barely talk.

So here he was, once again, sitting near his window looking up at the night sky and his one and only Hope. "Hey Hope it's me again" He looked at the twinkling star.

"Taehyung is being a horny bitch and not hanging out with me anymore" He sighed "I would understand if they were at least together but the both of them are too scared to say anything"

The star was calm for a few moments and then started twinkling again. Jungkook just smiled.

"I wish they would just man up and confess their real feelings, it's getting frustrating to watch them be so shy and blushy around each other all the time" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"But how are you Hope? I hope you're still okay up there" He chuckeled and the star shone more brightly for a moment. "I want to talk to you more but I gotta go to sleep, early morning tomorrow. Good night Hope" Jungkook blew a kiss to the star and went to his bed.

Next day came all too soon and it was time for Jungkook to go to school. With groggy feet and sleep still in his eyes he made his way to the bathroom, did his morning routine, changed into school uniform and went to get breakfast. Since Jungkook was now old enough, his parents got rid of the nanny and he had to learn to cook for himself. When the nanny was still around, Jungkook would hang around her, watching her do chores and cooking his favorite food. He made sure to remember how to do everything and ask her to show him if he missed something. Now he was a pretty good cook.

Even though he could cook himself a five star breakfast, he didn't have time nor energy for that. So he made himself a simple sandwich and was on his way to school. His highschool was still walking distance and he left pretty early so he was walking slowly while eating his sandwich.

After a while the sandwich was gone and his school was in the view. Something else was also in the view and that was his so called best friend Taehyung, sitting on a bench with his soon-to-be boyfriend Jimin.

"Hey Tae!" Jungkook got tired of waiting for Taehyung to approach him first so he yelled to catch his attention.

"Oh hey Kookie! What's up?" Tae asked cheerfully.

Jungkook just looked at him with poker face. "What's up? WHAT'S UP?!" he suddenly yelled out.

"You don't talk to me for god knows how long and now you're just being like 'what's up' that's it?" Jungkook looked him in the eyes, his face now clearly more mad.

Taehyung's face dropped. "Oh... I'm sorry Kookie I didn't realize I was leaving you out so much, I've been just hanging out with Jiminie here" Jungkook finally looked at Jimin who was looking pretty uncomfortable being in the middle of this situation.

"You know you could've just introduced me to him and we could hang out the three of us?"

Taehyung just widened his eyes and looked between his two friends. "Oh! I'm so sorry I'm so stupid! Well Jungkook this is Jimin. Jimin this is Jungkook, my best friend" He smiled widely with his box smile.

"Glad to know I'm still his best friend. Anyway hi Jimin! I hope we can be friends too!" Jungkook smiled too with his bunny smile making Jimin smile aswell.

"Nice to meet you Jungkook. Of course we are gonna be friends!"

And that's how the three of them became great friends. Well Jungkook was their great friend. A week later Jimin and Taehyung finally confessed and got together. Sure Jungkook sometimes felt like the third wheel but he was also very happy for his two best friends.

And when he heard the news about them being together, Jungkook silently thanked Hope. Although he didn't actually believe some star could be fufilling his wishes, it just felt natural to thank the star.

Shining Star | junghope ffWhere stories live. Discover now