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Now 26 year old Jungkook sat behind his office desk in his apartment, sighing in frustration because his work has been stressing him out.

Jungkook has been long gone from his childhood home and long since he has last spoken with his parents. He has a good paying job now so he doesn't need them for money either anymore. Taehyung and Jimin are still together and still his friends, though he sees them rarely nowadays. He hasn't made many new friends. There's Seokjin from his work, he is a really nice person and he considers him his friend but he hasn't had the chance to work on their friendship much outside his work. So he is more like a work buddy. And then there's another couple he has as friends. Namjoon and Yoongi. He met them at his university, Namjoon being his roommate for the first two years untill he graduated early because he was just that smart. Yoongi was Namjoon's close friend at that time so he became friends with him too. After university Namjoon and Yoongi got together and moved in together. They kept contact with Jungkook on social media but that's about it. He still thinks of them as good friends even though they see each other like once a year.

Jungkook isn't good with new people, he has been like this his whole life. All the friends he made weren't the result of his trying, all of them approached him first. And he is glad for that. Taehyung is still his closest friend and he is honestly surprised how he has stayed with him for this long. He is grateful for him. Taehyung is the one he sees mostly if you don't count Seokjin 'cause well, he sees him every day at work.

All of his friends have partners already, most of them being together for a really long time. Taehyung and Jimin have been together for so long that they're already thinking about adopting kids. Meanwhile Jungkook is 26 and still has never even had a first kiss, let alone a whole boyfriend. He discovered a long time ago that he in fact wasn't scared of girls, he just didn't like them.

Now you may think, he's 26 and a virgin? How pathetic. Well to you he would say fuck you, that was a personal choice. Yes that's what all adult virgins say but stop shaming, it's totally okay to be like that. And it's not like Jungkook never had the opportunity, he was and still is very good looking. He was just not confident. Since he was never good with new people he usually avoided meeting them at all. In every social gathering he ever was he always stuck to his friends or the people he was already familiar with. If he didn't know anyone there, he didn't go. And even though it was his personal choice to never even try, he got lonely. Sure he got some friends but all of them were in their own relationships, he was always he one left out. It was always Taehyung and Jimin.... and Jungkook, Namjoon and Yoongi.... and Jungkook. Seokjin and his wife Soyeon.... and Jungkook. Always thirdwheeling. Of course he was happy for all of his friends but he couldn't help but feel lonely all the time. He just wished someone would appear and love him the way he is. Awkward with new people and too scared to even try.

He sighed once again and rubbed his tired eyes. It was already 1am, dark outside and time for Jungkook to go to sleep. He wanted to work a little more, maybe finish his work now but he knew he was far too tired to make sense of anything. So he stood up from his desk and made his way to his bed. On the way he passed his large window and looked outside. The city looked calm yet it had so much going on at the same time. Big cities never sleep. He looked up at the night sky just like he would when he was young but now there was barely any stars visible. It has been way too long since Jungkook has last 'spoken' with his star Hope. When university rolled around he got too busy and 'too mature' for such thing. He had already forgotten he used to do such thing as talk to a star. But now as he stood in front of his giant window, looking up at the dark sky, he saw only one star, his star. And he broke out in tears.

After so many years, the only constant thing there for him was his star. And although he knew it was just a bunch of hydrogen and helium burning in space he can't help but feel sentimental. The fact that he knew it was just a star made him cry even more. He fell down on his knees, sobbing furiously into his hands. He just wanted someone for himself. All the work stress, all the loneliness and frustration he has been bottling inside of him, all just bursting out when he saw his star. He just wanted things to be simple like when he was a child. Just him and his star, alive and listening to him.

"H-hi Hope" Jungkook, still on his knees and sobbing, spoke out loud. He chuckeled through his tears at himself  "Look at me, a grown ass man sitting on the floor crying and talking to a star" The tears didn't stop flowing and it was getting harded to breathe due to his nose getting more stuffed because of the crying.

"Why am I like this?" he cried ever harder "Why did I have to be born into this fucking body and this fucking life!" he spoke with louder voice "I'm so tired of my life! I just want to be normal, to be like everyone else" more fat tears rolled fown his face.

"I just wish I had someone, I wish I could be happy, I wish you were alive and real, I wish you could be a person and could talk to you for real and not like some pathetic lunatic on the floor of his empty apartment!" he yelled out not caring about his loudness, he lived alone in this big ass apartment anyway.

"I just wish someone would love me" He whispered quietly.

He stared at the floor for quite some time, silent tears rolling down his swollen face. He felt hopeless. Literally. He believed his Hope wasn't real.

Untill he saw a bright white light shining through his window. He looked up with wide eyes seeing his star shining more bright that it ever has. And suddenly the light got bigger.

Soon he realized it didn't get bigger, it just got closer. Jungkook quickly got on his feet and looked closer out of the window. The star was falling. Jungkook was scared shitless, a bigass fucking star was about to drop on earth and all he could do was just look. Look as the star got bigger at first, but as it came closer the light became smaller. Now it was just above Seoul and it looked the size of a human but in a form of a shining ball.

And it all happened so quickly. One moment Jungkook was looking at falling star in the sky and now it was falling more and more closer to his house. And suddenly the light was gone and Jungkook realized it had fallen behind his apartment building, in the forest.

Without even thinking, Jungkook grabbed his jacket and shoes and ran out of his apartment. He has to see the star.

Shining Star | junghope ffWhere stories live. Discover now