On Your Own

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"Clint?...Yo! Hawkeye!!...Eagle eye!?, Walk up, sleep can wait Sleeping Beauty". Clint stirred in the air, his eyelids slowly opened. "Don't try to move princess, you'll trigger a electric shock", spoke Tony, his voice raspy and cracking, with a hint of sarcasm.

Clint snapped awake. He saw Tony, chains were forcing his arms over his head, his feet a metre off the floor. Tony was wearing his Black Sabbath t-shirt with a dark grey shirt underneath and his black jeans. Tony's feet were bare and his ankles were bound together with duct tape.

"Well, how was your beauty sleep Clint?, Do YOU know how we got here? Because I don't and the last time I checked, I was supposed to be taking Pepper out on a date". Clint had a headache and Starks sarcastic tone wasn't helping.

"I have no idea Tony, I was in your car when it happened". Stark was going to answer, but a metal door flew open and slammed the stone wall beside Tony, scaring the genius and knocking him out of his train of thought.

Tony had trigged an electric shock to go through his entire body, Stark tensed up, his eyes were squeezed shut as he was gritting his teeth and tensing his jaw, forcing himself to stay quiet.
Two more shocks followed, each one worse then the other. Stark let out a whimper and a short cry of pain.
His breathing became laboured as he feel silent, his breathing soon became loud whimpers and then screams of terror as Tony began to have a panic attack.

He heard the screams of the victims of his weapons, the explosion and gun fire that killed the group that was trying to keep him safe was in his head. He saw Yansin bloody and dead.

"Tony?, TONY!!, Stay with me man". Tony began to scream in terror and each breath became a gasp of air that made Tony act like one of those breaths could be his last.

"Breathe in, and out, in, and out, in and out", stated Clint as he did the breathing actions with Tony, who was beginning to calm down. The mechanics breathing was hitched and his eyes were full with tears, drops falling down his cheeks and dropping onto the floor.

It took over twenty minutes for Tony to fully calm down. "Tony, what the hell happened to you?". Stark didn't answer as a tall figure walked in, his metal arm shinning in the sunlight.
The man had long, brown hair that reached his shoulders. He made his way over to Stark, revealing a surgical knife. He ran it through Tony's upper arm, causing Tony to move and trigger an electric shock, which became worse from the metal sticking out of his arm.

Tony stayed still, his heart excelerated at a inhuman rate. "Stop it!", Yelled Clint as he stopped himself from moving as he could touch the floor. The man turned to face Clint, he walked over to the archer as a fast past and knocked him out with a singular punch, with his metal arm, to Hawkeyes face.

"That's enough Winter Soldier", a man with a russian accent had entered the stone cell. 'Winter Soldier?', thought Tony in confusion.
The russian turned to face Stark. "Well Stark, looks like you're on your own". The Winter Soldier had gone and the russian was the only person left that Tony Stark wanted to kill.

"Nothing new, something that I don't need to think about while you stand in front of me, all high and mighty". Tony's sarcasm was the only thing keeping the mechanic from freaking out, again.

"Now, your friend won't be coming out of here alive, if you don't tell me and my Winter Soldier every single one of the Avengers weaknesses, as well as how you created your iron man suits and that thing in your chest". Explained the russian as he poked Tony's arc reactor, causing the genius to glare at him.

Stark was ready for the thing to be removed, the constant fear that it could stop scared the shit out of him. He didn't want someone else to create the very thing that keeps him alive. "Clint has nothing to do with me, the way you caught us was by luck, Clint means nothing to me and using him as a bargaining chip is low".

The russian was taken by surprise. "Trust me, Clint isn't needed in this equation". The Winter Soldier was called in. He unchained Clint and threw him over his shoulder, before walking out of the room. "Well, your friend is out of the equation, now tell me everything I want to know".

"Well, fuck you too then, I'm not telling, ever". Stark look directly into the man's eyes, staring him down as he delivered his answer. His voice was deep and threatening.

"Okay Mr Stark, if I'm not going to get you to say anything now, I'm going to let my Winter Soldier take over and destroy the little piece of hope, positivity and humanity you still have".

The Winter Soldier was called in and Tony saw that he was carrying two large duffel bags. "You're going to need this". The russian forced a metal guard inbetween Starks teeth, before leaving Tony Stark alone with his soldier. The man was smiling as he heard muffled screams coming from the room.

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