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Tony was confused, he couldn't remember what happened a few seconds ago and he has barely any movement in the right side of his body.

Pepper, bless her soul, had given Tony books to read to relieve his boredom and also to read up on some things he needed to make for some adjustments he needed to make to his suit.
The words were foreign to Tony, he didn't understand them or could even pronounce them. Tony threw the book onto the floor in frustration.
Tony laid down, he lifted his right arm slightly, placing it down onto his stomach.

"Tony?". The voice startled him as he sat up at a quick rate. "Do you remember me Tony?". The man was in a wheelchair, wearing torquise trousers and a, baggy, torquise t-shirt.
Tony couldn't remember his name. "Steve?". The man shook his head.

The name clicked in his head, "Clint?". Clint smiled. "How's everything?". Stark scrunched his nose up. "Sh-hi-ty", stammered Tony.
" abo-about"
Clint had Steve push him over to a chair next to Tony's bed.

Steve lifted Clint onto the chair. "I'm good Tony, I have Steve helping me around, so everything's good there." Tony smiled as attempted to sit up, his left side was incredibly weak, causing him to hit the hospital bed with a soft 'thud.'

"Sh-shi-shit-ty". Steve and Clint saw Tonys frustration as he spoke. "Ho-how ar-are yo-you C-Cli-Clint-?." Clint and Steve looked at each other. "Tony, you've already asked that question." answered Steve.

"It's okay Tony we'll work around it."  added Clint. Tony smiled.
Banner walked through the door, Tony looked at the scientist confused before clicking his fingers at him, in an attempt to figure out his name.
"Ba-ban-ban-banner." said Tony as he struggled with Banners name.

"Now, I've seen your brain scans Tony and there are some things I want you to know". Tony nodded, waiting for Banner to speak.
"You have severe damage to the left side of your brain, it has effected your speech, motor skills, reading and writing abilities, as a result we'll get you into physical therapy, so you can improve your motor skills, other then that we can't do very much Tony".

They saw the sadness in Tony Starks eyes.
Tony rolled over to face the wall away from the three, pulling the covers over his shoulders with his right hand.
Clint stood up and slowly made his way to the wheelchair, sitting down on it and wheeling himself out the door.

Steve and Banner followed him to his hospital room where Fury and Natasha stood.
"Barton, what the hell are you doing out of bed?", Snapped Nick Fury as Barton rolled passed him and rose from the wheelchair once again.

"I don't need this Fury, I just saw my friend struggle to speak and now he isn't going to be doing anything because his motor abilities have decreased." snapped Clint as he sat on the side of the bed.
Clint flung his legs onto the bed and pulled the covers over them.

Clint leaned back, his back arched to be sitting up. "Why are you here Fury? Aren't you supposed to be comforting Tony?" Fury stood tall with his arms crossed. "Barton, Tony doesn't want me in his room".
Clint knew that was nothing, Stark hated S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Why are you in my room?", Asked Clint in a harsh tone. "We need to know what happened when you guys were captured".
Barton looked at Fury confused. "You can't ask Tony, Fury, he won't be in the right mental state to talk about it".

Clint knew that Tony would freak out over the mentioning of Afghanistan.
We'll talk about it tomorrow Fury, I'll try to get Tony to speak about it, but don't force him if he doesn't want to". Fury nodded before leaving.

Natasha stayed behind as Fury, Banner and Steve left for the meeting room.
"I'm worried about you Clint, you need to talk about it before it gets too much to handle". Clint nodded in agreement.
"Tomorrow Natasha, I promise". Natasha nodded before leaving herself.

Clint fell asleep as his energy became zapped with the large amount of moving he'd been doing.
He hoped that Tony would be okay enough to speak about what happened, but knowing what he witnessed when Tony slept made him full of doubt.

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