No Man Left Behind

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Tony spilled everything. In the process, the doctor had ripped off the tape, causing Tony to flinch as the police doctor took him out of his handcuffs. Stark hit the floor with a loud 'thud', gasping in pain as he landed on his bruised ribs.

"For your troubles Stark, I'll get my soldier to release your friend, with a price". Tony wanted to cry and lash out. "When you answer my other questions, I'll set him free, but only him. You'll stay here and become a soldier". Tony didn't want this.

"I-i just want to go home, please, I'll do anything to go home", pleaded Tony as he attempted to stand up. The Winter Soldier shoved him to his side, before ruthlessly kicking the genius repeatedly, until he was on the verge of unconsciousness.

"Soldier, release him and his friend". Tony was dragged, by his wrists, outside the room. The soldier pulled him outside, in the middle of a sand storm. The soldier kicked Tony until he was coughing up blood.

Tony began to sob, grabbing fistfuls of sand as he went onto his hands and knees. 'Dammit', curse Tony mentally as he saw blood dripping from his stomach.
He felt the surgical knife in his shoulder, blood seeping into his black shirt as he realised that his arc reactor isn't where it should be, instead, he has the car battery keeping him from dying.
The pain in his chest increased as he rose to his feet, staggering forward as he walked to try and find a village. He stopped over the thought of Clint being the Winter Soldiers new punching bag.

Tony Stark began to walk around the building, hoping that Clint isn't being tortured for information.
Stark, with the car battery held against his chest, spotted a window that wasn't barred, just locked.
He stood on a wooden crate that was underneath and looked through it.

He saw Clint being kicked by a group of five HYDRA members. Tony stepped off the crate and sunk down to a sitting position, his hand clutching the part of his shirt that is over his empty reactor hole.

His breathing began to quicken, he began to cry. His breathing hitching, his heart excelerating, making him panic more. He heard his past captors voices, as well as the explosions and gun shots from his fight to escape. A strangled cry was all the noise he could muster before screaming in panic and fear.
'ok ok ok, breathe in.....then breath out', Tony thought as he slowly inhaled and exhaled.

It had been thirty minutes and Tony had calmed himself down enough to move.
He grabbed the car battery and, clumsily, made his way over to the crate. He stepped up onto it and peered through.

Clint was on his side, a puddle of blood was surrounding Clint's entire body, mostly near his stomach.
Tony banged on the window. Clint woke up in a fright, looking around in a panic. He spotted Tony and smiled, he made his way to his feet, he swayed from side to side as he made his way towards the window.

Tony opened the window. "Holy shit, you looked like crap Tony". So did Clint. The archer had a black eye, with blue and purple bruises around his neck and around his jaw. He had a busted open lip, that was inflamed on one side.

Tony saw that Clint had his arm around his stomach and was breathing heavily.
"Let's getting out of here Hawkeye". Clint nodded in agreement.

Tony grabbed his hand and pulled him up towards the window, Tony fell backwards, hitting the sand, on his side with a soft 'thud'.
Hawkeye climbed through the window and quickly closed his exit.
Clint pushed the wooden crate away from underneath the window.

Clint rushed over to Tony, flipping Tony onto his back and lifting up his two shirts, revealing black and blue bruises covering 90% of his chest. Blood was seeping out of a deep cut that was across Starks stomach, as well as the hole where his arc reactor needed to be and the shoulder that got a surgical knife impaled with.

"Tony, stay with me man, you need to stay awake", said Clint as he desperately tried to keep his friend awake.
"My phone Clint, call S.H.I.E.L.D". Clint grabbed Tony's uninjured arm and placed it around his neck, resting Starks arm on his shoulders.
He wrapped his arm around Tony's waist and lifted the genius to his feet. Tony had his other arm clutching onto the car battery for dear life.

They quickly began to move out towards a village, in hopes that they could find somewhere to hide.
"Yo S.H.I.E.L.D, me and Tony have been kidnapped and we're currently in Afghanistan, track this phone and come and get us, Hurry Fury, Tony is in critical condition".
Clint had taken Tony's phone as he was helping the genius stand up.
He hoped that Tony would be saved from reliving the memories of his torture in 2008, again.

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