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Eight years...

Eight years of kicking demon ass and fighting evil with the Charmed Ones. But this isn't a story about them. This is a story about a girl who was invited to stay with the Charmed Ones when they first came into their powers. But she wasn't there by luck, she was there because her parents had died, and in their will, it states that she would be in trusted with the Halliwell's. However, it was on the same day that Penny Halliwell had died also. Everything happens for a reason Penny always said, and so did Jessica's Mum. March 5th, 1998. It was a terrible time for the sisters, and Jess. But she went to live with them, slowly gaining herself back, while also Piper and Prue looked after a child. Jessica was raised around the girls, and they were like a sister to her, and they also grew attached too. When the time came, when they had to take her in and raise her as one of them because she was only 11 at the time. They didn't hesitate in doing so, they loved being around her, and Jess loved having older sisters to call her own. Even if they weren't related by blood.

However, when Phoebe moved back home from New York, she lived in the manor with the rest of them. Jess was glad to see Phoebe again, but the bad blood between her and Prue was still rocky. That all changed when Phoebe discovered that they were witches and had a magic spell book that she read from. This made the sister's grow closer, sharing the secret throughout their lives.

After Three years of demon vanquishing and sister bonding, Prue was killed by an Upper-Level Demon called Shax. Leo their whitelighter could only save Piper in time, Prue was already gone. It took a toll on them all, trying to figure out why they had to take their sister from them. It took a lot out of Jess, as she thought of Prue as a mother to her. Though she had a lot of happy memories with the sisters like Piper getting married to Leo, Prue's astral projection trashing her wedding, seeing Penny again. There was a lot.

On the other hand, when Paige entered their lives, Jess could feel something about her. Like she was meant to be at Prue's funeral. When they discovered that she was a whitelighter-witch, and that she was half-sister to Piper and Phoebe. They got the Power of Three back together. And somehow Jess got a sister back. Plus, she felt connected to her, and then started her own whitelighter powers. Though Jess is a witch, her whitelighter powers were subsided for three years, still not knowing to this day why they were so late for her.

Five more years had passed, and they finally did it. The vanquished the Source of all evil. Twice! Also, other powerful demons throughout. Piper having children of her own, that was a magical day for everyone. Though their destiny was completed they could live their lives now, they could carry on the next generation of Halliwell witches.

Yes, through the years there was heartache, pain, tears, death and a bit of time travel here and there. But when it was all over, they felt peace, they felt happy. But through the Charmed Ones destiny was over with, and they got what they deserved for protecting innocents and saving the world. Jess's destiny was only beginning for her, she had a lot ahead. Meeting the Charmed Ones and helping them in their destiny was fate, but now she can go on her own and pursue the life she wants. The Charmed Ones were backing her up every step of the way, and when she needed them, she could always call or orb to them for advice...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


A Quick intro to the story. There isn't going to be any charmed episodes in this story but there will be flashbacks through out. Also there will be chapters where she visits the manor time to time to check up on them and maybe get advice.


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