Chapter One: The Orb

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*March 14th, 2012*

"Piper, I'm going to be late!" I yelled through the manor, as I stood in the conservatory with a large suitcase and two bags of luggage. I see Piper quickly rush in from the kitchen as a 9-year-old Wyatt following behind, then an 8-year-old Chris behind Wyatt. I smiled as she approached me with a white box, with a tied red ribbon around it's lid. I raised my eyebrow to her, as she held out the gift to me.

"I said no presents. I'm not leaving forever," I chuckled at her, as the boys stood at her legs looking up at me.

"I know but I couldn't resist," She states, urging me to take the box. I smiled warmly to her as I took the box from her hands and placed it gently in one of my bags. Just then, blue and white orbs filled the space behind Piper. As the orbs cleared, Phoebe and Paige stood there with warm smiles of their own.

"Ohh, sweetie, you're leaving already?" Aunt Phoebe states as she comes over to me and begins hugging the death out of me.

"Phoebe I'm off to New York. I've always wanted to see the city since I was a little girl. Now I'm a grown woman and I can," I state to her as she pulls back from the hug with a small smile on her face.

"I know sweetie. To be honest it's a nice place, also the men there are like--" Her eyes rolled to the back of her head in a good way, emphasising that they were hot and to die for.

She was suddenly cut off by Piper. "Phoebe!" She held a tone that I know too well. I chuckle at them both, as Paige came to stand next to Piper and the boys.

"I'm going to miss you all so much, and I know I say this so often to you guys. But thank you for taking me in all those years ago, I really do look up to you as sisters and I know Prue would be proud of us all," I state gently as I said her name. I think it was still a touchy subject to me. They all nodded their heads with tears watering their eyes, as they bombarded me for a group hug. We all squish together, as I soaked this moment up as they did the same. It was like they were their daughter going on her own now. After a few more moments hugging we all pulled back.

"We are only a phone call away, and an orb away," Paige states, as they took a step back. I nodded to them as I smiled a wide one.

"Bye guys. Look after you Mum boys," I aimed my direction to Wyatt and Chris, as they ran up to me and began hugging my waist.

"We will Aunt Jess," both of them state. I let out an 'awe' sound, as I patted them on their shoulders, leaving a few moments after. They stood next to their Mum, as I grabbed hold of my bags and suitcase. I waved to them as they waved back, and suddenly I was surrounded by my own blue orbs. Orbing away with my things, leaving the manor behind.


I landed in my new, New York apartment, which was kindly rented in advance of six months by Piper as she saved enough money from the club and her restaurant. It wasn't big and fancy, but it will do. There was an upstairs where the bedroom lays, and a toilet. It was already furnished as I was planning to move in, and Piper, and the rest helping out by orbing things in, and unpacked.

 It was already furnished as I was planning to move in, and Piper, and the rest helping out by orbing things in, and unpacked

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