Chapter Eleven: Portal Spell

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Thor couldn't hold them back long, aliens rode through the portal, and to the city below, as the avengers fought them, and kept them from spreading further into the city. I peer over the edge, seeing the chaos and destruction that they brought. Innocent people getting hurt for nothing, it made me sick to my core, no one should go through this. I didn't care anymore, I needed to do something.

I quickly pulled my spell book from behind my jean waist strap, quickly flicking through the lined pages, to see if I could find a spell that could slow the portal down. I stopped at a protection spell. It would create a field of energy around a certain part of an area. I slowly looked up to the portal above, a smile creeping on my face as an idea had just formed. I can cast the spell to put a field around the neck of the portal blocking them on the other side, so it won't allow them through. I mean what could go wrong. I held the black book open, as I looked down to the words remembering them, both looking back up.

"Hear these words, hear the rhyme, place a field of energy in my time, to protect from where evil resides," as the spell was completed a field of blue energy started to gather at a portal where the space between the world was made. It started to come closer together, the energy crawling together, until it had reached each other and was fully sealed. From where I stood, I could see an alien craft crash into the field, making it explode, as the rest stops to look over the field. I smiled at my work and was surprised that it actually worked. I was cut short as cracks started to appear at the middle of the field, they started to spread as fire from the alien's guns were hitting it. The field wasn't strong enough, and would break, but at least I gave the Avengers a bit of time to sort the aliens that reminded on the ground. The cracks continued to spread all over, until it was weak and then shattered, sending the energy flying everywhere before it vanished as it slowly flowed to the ground. More aliens came rushing out in their vehicles, heading down to the city below.

Some started to come my way, knowing that I was involved in this, a couple of Chitauri came jumping off their ride and planted themselves in front of me, speaking a different language to one another. Aunt Phoebe's moves will come in handy...

One charged at me, but I quickly flicked my fingers at it, and it exploded from within, sending limbs everywhere. Then the other one charged at me with its weapon armed, but I quickly rolled out of its way, before flicking my fingers again. But this time freezing the creature. I quickly went over to the creature and took it's weapon off of it, before going behind and pointed the weapon at the Chitauri. I waved my hand slightly, as the creature unfroze and looked confused.

"Behind you," I state slyly, as it turned around to face me, but was faced with its own weapon. "Boom Bitch," was the last words that the Chitauri heard before I pulled the trigger, exploding it's head off. Smiling to myself as I threw the weapon to the side before I heard Erik come too. I rushed over to him, to give him a hand. "Erik are you ok?" I asked, kneeling down as he lent against the wall.

"Who are you?" Was his first question.

"I'm Jessica, I know Thor. I'm here to help," his eyes almost lit up as I mentioned Thor, but there was a loud explosion that emitted from within the city. If we didn't find a way to close the portal, there won't be any New York left.

I helped Erik stand, as we took in our surroundings. "Doctor, we need a way to close that portal, and nothing I do is affecting it," I state as my eyes returned to his gaze, he held confusion and sadness within his eyes. Who could blame him, his brain was hacked by a God, not even I could withstand that. Suddenly, one of the Chitauri rides went over head, and Natasha jumped from it, doing a forward flip. Living dangerously she is. However, as she neared the roof, I quickly flicked my fingers at her in reaction, making her freeze in mid-air.

"What did you just do?" Erik asked, his eyes widening at the scene of Nat frozen in mid-air.

"I froze her molecules down to a rate of immobilisation, so freezing her in mid-air," I state as I was proud of saying it out loud for once to a mortal and not to the sisters.

"How?" He asked curiously as he took his wide eyes at me.

"I'm a Witch, so I have power's. Power that you wouldn't believe to be true," I gave him a smirk, before waving my hand out towards Nat, as she unfroze and landed perfectly on the rooftop, doing a roll until she stopped. She whipped her head up making her fiery red hair follow. I smirk at her. "Natasha," she had a cut on her lower lip, and a gash on her forehead, but overall, she looked fine.

"How the hell did you do that earlier?" She asked straight away, intrigued in how I did it.

"She's a Witch," Erik announced before I got a chance too. I turned my head to him, eyes widened slightly, giving the expression of 'Thanks, I was going to say that'. "I thought Witches weren't real but here I am, proven wrong,"

"Thank you, Erik," I state sarcastically, as he held up his hands in defence, before walking over to the edge, before I looked back at Natasha, "But it's true, I am a Witch. And what you saw me do was Astral Projection," I smiled before looking over to Erik as Nat sunk all the information in.

"The sceptre..." he states as he looks at us both.

"Doctor..." Nat finally regained her thoughts as he spoke.

"Loki's sceptre. The energy. The Tesseract can't fight, but you can't protect against yourself,"

"It's not your fault. You didn't know what you were doing,"

"Actually, I think I did. I built in a safety to cut their power source," Erik had stated, and I look out of the corner of my eye to see Natasha's cog's in her head turning, then realising.

"Loki's sceptre,"

"It may be able to close the portal. And I'm looking right at it," Erik looks over the edge, as Nat and I came to stand where he was and looked over the edge too.

"Okay, I can get that" I state as both look at me. "What?"

"You're going to say a spell, and it's going to fly up here," Natasha mocked but held a funny tone in her voice.

"I could but I think this would be better..." I stood at the edge of the rooftop and looked down at the sceptre. "Sceptre," I commanded as I held my hand out, then the sceptre began to generate blue orbs around itself, and then disappeared from below. Before reforming in blue orbs in my hand, the orbs went away as the sceptre was now in my hands. I turn back around with it, both of them having a shocked expression on their face. "Told you I have different powers," I grinned as I handed the sceptre over to Nat, as she looked at it then back to me, before regaining her focus, taking it off of me. Erik went over to the laptop that was placed, that was still reading the cube energy, as Nat went around the side to get in position.

"Right at the crown!" Erik shouted for Nat to hear and pointed to where she should place the sceptre. She steadied her hands and pushed the sceptre forward, hitting the energy barrier around the cube, but the sceptre was made of the same energy, so it allowed it passed, but the barrier was visible as Nat pushed the sceptre further in.

"I can close it...Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down," Natasha states over the comms, as she fraught to keep the sceptre in the barrier.

"There's a nuke coming in," she states as she looked at us both, as I turned around to see from afar Tony in his armour flying to catch the nuke. Closer and closer it got with Tony holding the bottom of the nuke, using his armor to lift it, and knowing where to place it. That's a one-way trip, and it shouldn't be Tony who should die. He's an innocent like them all and I'm not losing one on my watch.

A spell came to mind, and I knew it was going to work, but it will piss Tony off...



Only a few chapter's left. Ahh! I've loved making this story and I've loved writing the chapters for this and I hope you all enjoyed reading it.


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