Chapter 5

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AN: Hey! I hope you guys are enjoying my story! All rights reserved. This is a fanfiction based off the amazing novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I apologize if the updates are slow. I'm at my grandparents house for a week. I will try my best to update fast. Love all you readers. There is gonna be a lot of POVS in this chapter sorry if its confusing xxx


*Johnny's POV*

She said yes! It's not a date. Well I want it to be, but she probably doesn't want it to be. Chloe comes first so if she wants it to be then it is. If she doesn't then it's not. Simple as that.

My growing feelings have only intensified since she was crying in her sleep last night. I had her cuddled into my chest and she was calling my name. Like she wanted me. Like she needed me. She wrapped her arms around me and held me closer. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me into her even tighter so there was no space between us. Chloe put her head in the crook of my neck and she just cried and cried. Until she just stopped and said the words that I will remember forever.

Johnny don't let me go.

I felt so wanted. Like I mattered. I've never felt that before. Chloe.  She's different. She brings out a side of me that I thought was gone forever. She makes me who I want to be. The person I strived to be.

Chloe walked into the room and all eyes were on her. You could see that some held lust, others like she was their little sister, some held adoration, and only a few held love. No. Not just love like family. Love as in the real thing. Love where you would jump in front of a bullet to save her. You would take the shirt of your back to keep her warm. You would swim all the oceans just to see her smile.

The few that felt love. Were me, Pony and surprisingly Dallas Winston. Dally finally had someone break down his walls. And it just so happened that it's the girl I'm in love with. Of course he would choose the one girl I want when he could have anyone he chose Chloe. The girl I love will never love me back with Dallas Winston after her heart.

The thought of not being with her could break me. Her choosing Dallas could shatter me. It's not that I don't want her and Dally happy. That is what I desperately want. It's just Dally goes through girls like they are nothing.  Chloe isn't nothing.  She deserves the best. I'm not the best though. I don't deserve her, yet she is all that I need. She is the reason I can go through all the beatings. She is the reason I am still here.

*Chloe's POV *

After agreeing to go to the movies with Johnny I went up to Ponyboy's room to change. I grabbed my Mickey Mouse shirt, jean jacket, converse and jeans. I quickly changed and went to wherever the guys were.

I walked into the living room where all the boys were. They all just stared at me. Am I that ugly that you need to stare? I awkwardly walked over to where Two-bit was. He was watching Mickey. Dally was laughing while staring at me. I shyly asked ''why ya laughing Dal?"  He then pointed to my chest. I know I have a small chest. Then he pointed to Two-bit.  We were both wearing Mickey shirts. Oh. I feel stupid now. Stupid low self-esteem.  I laughed along with them. I wanted to go for a walk.

I got up and I walked out. It was a pretty day out. The sun was shining through my brown hair making the edges look blonde. I was admiring the beauty of this town when I saw a cardinal fly by. It was such a lovely day out.

I was walking through the streets of Tulsa when someone bumped into me. I stumbled a bit. They apologized and kept walking. I continued walking and stumbled upon a gas station. It was called the DX. I walked in and saw Soda and Steve working on cars. I laughed and walked up behind Soda.

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