Chapter 11

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An: Sorry again for all the slow updates and grammar mistakes! I am trying to update more frequently. I hope y'all liked the last chapter! Please please please comment! I love reading your opinions on what I should do. I NOW HAVE AN IDEA. WOW AN ACTUAL PLAN FOR WRITING THIS STORY. YALL SHOULD BE PROUD.
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* Chloe's POV *

I've made my decision. I'm going to go wherever this train takes me. Why should I stay where I am clearly unwanted?

The sun was rising now. Gosh I have always loved sunrises. Always so beautiful. I noticed that I couldn't see the city lights anymore. It's as if they just blinked out. I moved towards the opening of the train car and sat down. I clinged to the railing, but I kept looking at the veiw.

It was a nice place to be. Watching the countryside roll by and having a second to think. It's as if my thoughts blew away in the cool breeze.

I saw a horse in the distance. It's fur was a deep chocolate Johnny's eyes.


Thoughts of him swirled in my head. I wanted to just jump off the train and run to him. Run into his arms. His strong safe arms.

But I don't have time to have such foolish thoughts.  Johnny's not here. He's never going to be here. I need to stop.

But just this one time....maybe....I could allow myself to think of him. Just one more time. Only for a minute.

His eyes.
His arms.
His hair.
His scar.
His flaws.
His quirks.
His selflessness.
His face.
Just him.

Okay stop.

And just like that I let myself forget him. Not forever. No I could never do that. Just for a minute. I can't let myself think of someone that I could never have.

I focused back in on the veiw. Maybe just maybe I have a chance at surviving here.

I had my bags in hand and I waited until there was a safeish place I could land. When I saw the opportunity I jumped.  I landed on my knee. Oh great. But when I stood up my knee cap was back in place. My leg felt amazing.

Looks like I found the silver lining in the hurricane. I stood up and brushed the dirt off my jeans and the bottom of my flannel.

I grabbed my bags and walked. Just walked. What the hurry? I have no where to go. No one to see. Wow I'm free.

After years of having my demanding father and always trying to live up to crazy expectations, I'm finally free. Like a butterfly.

I just wanted to I don't know just break out into a song like a musical. Only I'm alone. I don't have music or an audience. This isn't a musical. Musicals have happy endings.

As I was walking in this beautiful small least I think it's a small town....I saw an abandoned church. I peeked in and I didn't see anyone or anything.

To make sure I even bought some groceries at the little market and came back to make sure it was in fact abandoned.

To my luck it was. I looked around. There is luckily a working bathroom. And I can sleep on the pews and there is a well outside I could use. This is a perfect place for a runaway.

I wraped myself in my cheap blanket outside so I could watch a sunset and let my wild thoughts take over. I have a weird feeling, but I don't know why. It doesn't matter.

I think about Tulsa. Everything I left behind. Everything I will miss. Two-bit. No I can't think about him....I can't handle that. Oh God what have I done? What if I never go to Tulsa again?

But I know deep down that I will see Tulsa again. Maybe not soon, but I will.

I'll be back to Tulsa one day....

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An: Hey guys. Well how'd ya like it? Please please please comment and give me feed back. I like knowing what yall think. Again sorry for the tremendously slow updates and grammar mistakes and small chapters. I will try to update more. WELL I HAVE INSPIRATION NOW. SO I ACTUALLY HAVE A PLAN NOW.

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