Chapter 1

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AN: All rights reserved. This is a fanfiction based off the amazing novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I dont own any characters except Chloe Matthews and other later characters. Johnny and Dally are alive and the soc was never killed. Some things may be mixed between 1960s and 2014

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****A little bit about Chloe Mathews:

Chloe is the girl in my cover. So she has shortish brown hair and light blue eyes. She isn't very tall. She looks nothing like her older brother, Two-bit. Chloe has never met the gang due to just moving to Tulsa. Their parents are divorced. Chloe was stuck with her drunk and abusive dad. Two-bit got the workaholic mom. Chloe has to move from North Carolina to Tulsa. She is turning 15 in two weeks. She isn't a girly girl, yet she not a full-blown tomboy. She loves books, sunsets, and movies. She is very shy and quiet. She has a big heart and she doesn't like to cause trouble....unless you get on her bad side. She is a great fighter, but doesn't like people to know. She doesn't know of beauty and she she has a very low self-esteem. She is also very smart and she isn't skanky like other greaser girls.


* Chloe's POV *

I walked into a small, but nice house. I looked around and saw Two-bit. I haven't seen him since he visited me 2 months ago. I missed him so much it was painful. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and launched myself at him.

"TWO!" I screamed with joy. "CHLO-CHLO!" Two-bit caught me and spun me around in a long embrace. I felt a tear slip down my cheek and I flicked it away before he noticed.

We talked and talked. Then something dawned on me " Where's Ma?" I asked. "She's working like always. You probably won't see her a lot...."

Two answered. Gosh I sure did miss Two.

When we walked into the living room I saw Mickey on TV. "MICKEY! " I ran and started watching. During the episode Two-bit started questioning me. " What was it like? How's the old man? Did you make friends? Was there a boy you left back home?" He was jumping around like a girl waiting to hear the story of a date you went on.

"Well...." I paused for dramatic effect and I was making something up because he didn't know the old man was hittin' on me. "....It was okay, but I missed my big bro. The old man was thrown in the cooler. No. No and my home isn't there my home is wherever you are." I finished with a smile. " Golly. I sure did miss ya kid" Two-bit said wrapping me in one of his hugs that I love so much.

" Damn you look so beautiful! You're gonna have all 'em boys in town after your heart....or something else" He gave me a once over and winked at me when he said that. I blushed and slapped him in his arm.

I heard the door open. The light from the street lamps flooded in. My mother walked in. She walked over to me and gave me a light hug.

"Hello, Chloe." She had a genuine smile on her face. I heard a light click and I looked to see Two lighting a weed.

"Take that outside" our mother demanded. I followed Two-bit outside. As we stepped out into the orange light from the street lamp I got a good look at the neighborhood. Not bad I thought.

When we got inside mom was rushing out the door. "Sorry babies momma has to go back to work. I love you guys and Chloe your room is already set up. Bye!"

Two-bit and I hung out for a few hours. When we were watching Mickey I started drifting into unconsciousness.

-Next day-

Two-bit's hot sister (Ponyboy and Johnny love story)Where stories live. Discover now