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I took a long drag of my cigarette while Chloe and Lacie were having a conversation about midget porn. I don't know what's wrong with them, either. 

I was too lost in my thoughts to pay attention to the conversation. I couldn't help but wonder how Arcadia Bay was doing. I knew some construction was still going on. I wanted to back and help rebuild what my actions caused, but we didn't plan on The Beast dying. He did live a long life, though, not to mention the fact that Chloe had already resurrected him once. Time for him to rest.

I knew most of the people I had known made it out of the storm alive. My mind wondered to Jefferson. I knew they had him at the police station when the storm hit, but he was labelled "missing" now. They weren't sure if he was dead or alive, let alone of his whereabouts. 

It scared me to think that he was on the loose. I've opened up about a lot of things, but never the Dark Room. Even Chloe didn't know the extent of what I went through there. I didn't know where to begin with explaining that. I think she suspects something happened, though. We've been together for almost a year, yet nothing went past second base. She's been more than patient. Maybe I should tell her. 

The conversation came to an end. Lacie, Chloe, and I said our goodbyes, with Chloe promising to walk Morgan at noon. We went inside, and sat on the couch, biting my nails.

"You okay, Max? You're being quieter than usual." Chloe asked, concern heavy in her voice and expression.

"I'm fine. Just thinking." I smiled, then returned to biting my nails.

"About what?" Chloe said, lowering my hand.

"That week. The storm. Him." I shuddered. Chloe lifted my chin, looking me in the eyes.

"Are you ever going to tell me what happened? I know you said you would when you're ready, but it's been almost a year. It's not healthy to keep it bottled up. Please?" 

I bit my lip, looking down. I couldn't look her in the eyes and say it. "How about if I just ask questions, and you answer yes or no? Will that make this easier?" She asked. I shook my head no.

"What if I just read your journal? You don't have to say anything about it, and I still get answers. Doable?" I nodded.

"Um, okay. Where is you journal?" I pointed to the little cloth bin sitting under one of our end stands. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and walked over to grab it. I got her to the right page, and she began to read. 

As she read, I just sat there staring at the design on her shirt, not really seeing it. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I started rubbing my wrists, feeling the duct tape again. 

Chloe looked at me with wide eye once she finished reading. A sob escaped me, and she wrapped her arms around me. "Oh, Max. I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I shouldn't have asked." Great, now she was crying, too.

We both sat there, just crying our eyes out. At that point, all I could see, hear, and feel was Mark Jefferson, and I couldn't feel any sicker than right that second. Chloe refused to let me go. I didn't want her to. I know she understood how it felt. Nathan did the same to her. I hugged her tighter to me, and she returned it.

When we finally broke apart, her phone buzzed, indicating that it was now noon. Time for her to walk Morgan. "Shit. Want to go for a walk? It may help you get your mind off of things." She did. 

Chloe got up from the couch, pulling me with her out the door and toward Lacie's apartment.

We walked Morgan around the complex and halfway to the 7/11 that Chloe works at. About 45 minutes later, Morgan had been walked and returned, cigarettes had been smoked, and Chloe and I were cuddling in our bed. She held me tight until I fell asleep, crying.

The dream was not pleasant. 

I was back in the Dark Room, bound by tape. Jefferson was hovering above me, muttering about innocence turning to corruption. He began to remove more and more of my clothes. I was helpless. He started to undo his belt and climb on me...

...And I bolted up screaming. Chloe was instantly alert. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

I shook my head no and began crying. Chloe embraced me, rocking back and forth, muttering sweet words in my ear. Dog, I love her. She's trying so hard to be strong for me. "Chloe, let's go outside. I need fresh air and a cigarette. And, yes, I realize how contradicting that sounds."

Chloe nodded, hopping off the bed and over to the pack of cigarettes. "Come on," she says, holding out her hand. 

We stepped outside, lit our cigarettes, and sat in silence for a moment. It was earlier than I thought. Maybe 2pm? I didn't really know, nor did I really care. Chloe sat across from me in her chair, looking very stressed. When both our cigarettes were almost gone, Lacie stepped out.

"Hello, girls." She said with a smile. A smile that disappeared as she saw our faces.

"Chloe, why don't you chat for a while? I'm gonna go in and make some tea." I sighed as I got up, walking back into the apartment. 

I heard Lacie ask what was wrong, but if she was talking to me, then it fell on deaf ears.

A/N: So, 2 updates within 4 hours of each other. I'm on a roll. Sorry if this fic seems a bit rushed. Let me know and I'll edit it. I know this chapter has some of the triggers I mentioned, but I hate to break it to you: it gets worse. Anywhore, please comment and such. I would love to hear feedback. Thanks!

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