Chloe POV

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I began to pace the waiting room as they took Max for multiple tests. They were able to stabilize her, but just barely. They still weren't sure if she was gonna make it. God, I can't believe this. I should've done what I wanted to do and call off work. God, I'm so fucking stupid.

"Chloe, honey, why don't you and I go for a walk?" Joyce said. "Might be good to get away from all these bright lights. I'm sure you could use a cigarette, anyway."

She was right. What was pacing in the waiting going to do? Might as well step out for a smoke. "Okay. Yeah." She stood up and we walked to the elevator on the other side of the room. It opened immediately and we headed to the ground floor. Once the elevator opened, we proceeded past the gift shop and nurses station, and out the door. We continued across the parking lot, to the "smokers section." 

"Here you go." Joyce handed me a cigarette. I gave her a shocked look. "When you told me what happened, I couldn't take it. So, I went back to my haven, as awful as that sounds."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I would've gone crazy, too, just sitting there waiting around." I said. We stood there, smoking our cigarettes in silence.

"Chloe?" Joyce asked. I looked over to her. "David just texted me. Jefferson is dead."

The words I had been waiting to hear for what seemed like a lifetime bounced around in my head before finally sinking in, which caused me to breakdown in Joyce's arms. "Sweetie, they need you to confirm the body since Max isn't capable at the moment. David was going to wait, but he figured you could used some form of closure." All I could do was nod.

We stayed like that for a while until David texted Joyce again to tell her that the body had arrived at the hospital morgue. I began our trek back to the hospital. As soon as the sliding glass doors opened, the smell of hand sanitizer and other sterilizers smacked me in the face. God, I hate hospitals.

"Joyce! Chloe!" We both turned to see David. "The nurse is gonna escort you to the morgue, Chloe. Joyce and I are gonna head to Max's room. It's number 147, right over there. She's sleeping right now. You should take more than about 15 minutes there. She's okay, Chloe. I think she's gonna make i-" 

David's voice was cut off by a code blue sounding. A code blue that was sent to room 147.

I ran as fast as could to the room David pointed out, pushing passed all the nurses and doctor's. They kept pushing back, trying to get me out of the room. I wasn't having that. I shoved my way through them, running straight to Max. "MAX! MAX!" I screamed. "MAX, DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE! DON'T YOU FUCKING LEAVE ME!" A male nurse came behind me, holding me back. I struggled all I could. 

The doctor started defibrillator and began rubbing the two parts together. "CLEAR!" He shouted, holding them to Max's chest. Her body jolted, but nothing changed. He repeated the motion three more times, all with the same results. I could see Max's parents crying in the corner.

I won't let her die.

Everyone in the room took on a more sad, somber tone. "I don't think I can do much else. I'm so sorry for your loss. Time of dea-" 

"MAXINE CAULFIELD," I shouted as loud as I could, scaring everyone in the room, "I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T COME BACK TO ME, I WILL FUCKING FOLLOW YOU RIGHT GODDAMN NOW! WAKE UP!" I could hear Joyce's quiet sob as I said that. I didn't care. I was determined not to lose Max this time around. One way or another, I will get Max back.

"MAX! MAXIMUS! MAXINE! SUPER MAX! WAKE UP! WAKE THE FUCK UP NOW! YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULD NEVER LEAVE ME AGAIN! GODDAMN IT, KEEP YOUR FUCKING PROMISE!" I hugged her close to me, not daring to let go. Finally breaking down, I hugged her tighter as nothing but sobbing could be heard in three different directions. 

Just as the doctor was about to declare time of death, the most unbelievable sound of the heart monitor filled the room, followed a moment later by the most beautiful voice in the whole world.


A/N: OMFG, I am so sorry for leaving you guys on a cliff hanger for so long!!! Things have been hella crazy lately. I'm moving, my toddler is acting up and my infant is just about walking!! So fucking sorry, again. But, lucky for you guys, unlike how it was when I first started this, I actually have a plan for where I want this to go. I did before, but decided to scrap that shit. YOLO. So, at 3am last night, I decided to take down some notes. No more mystery! Anyway, next chapter is gonna be from Max's point of view. Any advice, criticism, IDGAF is much appreciated. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, PLEASE!

Thanks for reading this far! See you later, guys! 

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