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I was startled awake by the sound of thunder. I curled up, hoping to just hide out until it was over. I noticed Chloe wasn't beside me, which was very odd.

I left the room in search for her. I thought I heard something coming from the bathroom, but did a full apartment sweep first. She wasn't hiding in any of the closets like a 'scary punk ghost,' nor was she in the kitchen or living room. That only left the bathroom.

Before heading there, I grabbed a cigarette from the pack on the table, then knocked on the door and tried to open it.

Door was locked. 

"Chloe? The door is locked, ChloBear, Super Max doesn't have super strength. I have a cigarette." I heard the lock click, and opened it immediately.

Poor girl. She was sitting in the tub crying her eyes out. "I'm sorry, Max. I couldn't help this breakdown. I was trying to let you get sleep and think about something that would calm me, but this storm is just so bad...." She cried.

"Oh, Chloe. It's okay. I'm afraid, too." I ran toward her after turning on the vent and lighting the cigarette. Once the cigarette was out, we both cried hysterically, fearful of the harmless storm that reminded us of another, with other intents....


The next morning, we woke up stiff as a couple of teenage dicks in the bathtub. 

"This calls for coffee. Not enough energy to bitch at the moment." Chloe groaned.

I giggled.

We walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to prep our coffee and then stepped outside for a couple cigarettes. Lacie wasn't up yet, so we enjoyed our morning nicotine and caffeine fix together.

"How are you feeling?" Chloe asked me.

"A bit better. Still kind of depressed, but not as bad." I smiled at her.

We sat in silence for a while, just enjoying the morning.

"What's the plan for today, Mad Max?" Chloe asked after a while.

"Not sure yet. Might go to the store. Are you off today?"

"Night shift." Chloe sighed.

"Well, then. Let's enjoy the time we have together before you have to go in." I said as we walked inside to cuddle.

We spent the day watching YouTube and cuddling together until Chloe reluctantly left for work around 7:30. I had a cheap microwave meal for dinner, hung out with Lacie, walked Morgan, and headed to bed around 11pm. I knew Chloe wouldn't be home until the sun came back up.



I woke up with a start. Looking around, I noticed it was still dark out. I glanced at my clock. 2:47am. 

Chloe shouldn't be home yet. So what was that crash?

Grabbing our gun, I made my way slowly and quietly out of the room. Nothing seemed off. I checked the bathroom, empty. Checked the hall closet, same result. What the fuck?

Walking further, I checked the kitchen. Still nothing. Am I tripping balls or some shit? I swear I heard something.

I started walking slowly into the living room. I didn't notice anything there, either. Maybe it was just a dream. God, I'm paranoid.

No, I'm not! I thought as I noticed what had crashed. My plate from last night was now shattered on the kitchen. Maybe I had left it closer to the edge than I thought? But then, what would've caused it to fall?

I walked back into the room, intent on calling Chloe to explain the odd event and to put our gun away. I bent down to grab the safe box that we keep the gun and ammo in, but when I opened it, I realized my dumb ass forgot to unload it.  

All of a sudden, I felt a cloth being put to my nose and mouth. In my surprise, I pulled the trigger, shooting the blank wall and someone's hands grabbed me around my waist.

"Hello, Max. Did you miss me?"

I would know that voice anywhere. Oh God, how did he find us? Just hearing him speak makes my skin crawl. Mark fucking Jeffershit.

The overwhelming smell of chemicals was too much, and before I knew it, the world went black.

A/N: so this one is a short chapter, I'm sorry. I started this on my Chromebook and finished it on my phone. I don't think it's too bad, though, right? Anywho, I'll try to get another update out today but I'm not sure. Please give me feedback. I can't tell if my story is shit or not without it. Lol. Have a great Sunday, y'all! Stay hella strange!

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