Chloe POV

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"Mom, I'm having a panic attack! I'm having a fucking panic attack!" I screamed. Joyce just shook her head and sighed.

"Chloe, for the last time, Max is not going to change her mind. Would you stop?" She put a calming hand on my shoulder. "Breath, sweetie. In through the nose and out through the mouth." Huh. That worked.

"Now, after everything you girls have been through, and how long you've been together, why would a damn wedding be the thing that would make Max leave?" She asked.

I sighed. "I guess you're right. I'm just so nervous. Why am I so nervous? Like you said, Max and I have been through a lot. A wedding shouldn't be this nerve wracking!"

I was in my old room back in Arcadia Bay, Max was in Joyce's room. Natalia, or Cymba as I call her, was running back and forth between the two rooms. She was with me for the moment. I decided to strip my hair of the blue for today only. Today, I was not rebelling. Today, I had no objections. It was a nice change, but a fucking shit ton of work was put into something that will only last for the next twenty-four hours.

Cymba came skipping up then in her cute little flower girl dress, her pitch black hair pulled back into an elegant bun, her blue eye, an exact replica of her mother's, were shining bright with that childhood naivete. She pointed at me, so I bent down to her level.

"Do you like it, sweetheart?" I asked her, grabbing a bit of my hair so she knew what I was talking about. She shook her head.


And with that, she left the room to go bug Max.

I looked back at Joyce, who was chuckling. "What a fucking brat. Oh, well. I love her anyway." I shrugged.

"Your child, indeed." Joyce replied, shaking her head. "We should head down, it's almost time to start the ceremony."

After checking if the coast is clear, Joyce ushers me down the stairs and to the sliding glass door. From there she walks down to the front row of seats. David came up to me, holding his arm out. "You ready?" He asked.

"Not at all." I said. "Lead the way, Dad."

David gave me a surprised look, shook his head, and opened the door, thus beginning our march.

He walked me up the aisle, then hurried to his seat next to Joyce. On her other side, occupying a chair was a picture of William, surprisingly at David's suggestion. The beginning of the classic wedding march started playing as I saw my little girl walking, throwing peddles in her wake.

The next sight left me speechless.

Max, her hair cut short once again, her face devoid of any makeup, and her purple dress hugging in the perfect places. The front of the dress had a faux corset style with lace sleeves, the skirt puffy and almost reaching her knees. I couldn't help but giggle at her shoe choice. Her signature hipster sneakers.

She and Ryan made it to the end of the aisle, and Ryan placed Max's right hand within mine. 

"You look beautiful." I whispered.

"As do you." She replied.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of family and friends to join together these women in Holy Matrimony, which is commended of St. Paul to be an honorable estate, instituted of God and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or carelessly, but reverently, joyfully and in the love of God." The pastor began. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. Maxine Caulfield and Chloe Elizabeth Price come today desiring to be united in this sacred relationship. Please join hands."

Max and I then grabbed a hold of each other's hands.

"I ask you each now, to repeat the marriage vows."

He read them off, and I repeated them perfectly, while slipping the ring on Max's finger.

"I, Chloe Elizabeth Price take you, Maxine Caulfield for my wedded wife, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward. Partner in crime, and partner in time." 

It was all Max's idea to add that last part. It was mine to get them engraved into the wedding rings.

"I, Maxine Caulfield, take you, Chloe Elizabeth Price for my wedded wife, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward. Partner in time, and partner in crime." She repeated, slipping her ring on my finger.

The pastor began again, "May the Lord Bless these rings which you give to each other as your sign of Love, Devotion and ever lasting peace. Amen."

heard all around us was a course of "Amen."

"For as much as Chloe Price and Maxine Caulfield have consented together in holy matrimony and have witnessed the same before God and those present, and have pledged their faithfulness, each to the other, and have declared their love by giving and receiving Rings and by joining hands, I now, by the authority committed unto me as a minister and a priest, declare that Chloe and Maxine are wife and wife, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Those Whom God Has joined together, let no one put asunder. May the Peace and the Unconditional Love of God surround you and remain with you now and forevermore. You may seal you vows with a kiss."

Max and I lean in for the most emotional and passionate kiss of our entire lives. 

And as we turned toward our guests, the pastor announced, "Allow me to present Mr. and Mrs. Price!"

A/N: Dude, I totally copied and pasted all of that shit

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A/N: Dude, I totally copied and pasted all of that shit. Lol. Anyways, I know the scene takes place in the Madsen backyard, and the picture is in a church, but ignore it! One more chapter, then I'll start a new story. Let me know if you want me to continue this one, though. Bye!

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