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  Black. That's it. Just black. No sky, no ground, no surroundings. Nothing. Did I do it? Am I dead? I must be. This couldn't be anything but death. But did that mean I was in Hell? Heaven? Limbo? I didn't know. I tried to speak, but no noise came out. Okay, I guess that means I'm alone with my thoughts. Man, this sucks. 

"You're not alone. Nor are you dead. Yet. That's up to you." I jumped at the sudden noise, realizing I really wasn't alone. I turned to see a beautiful, tall woman. Her hair a flowing blonde, her eyes a stunning hazel, and wearing a blue flannel that almost matched the feather dangling from her left ear. I knew who she was the moment I saw her.

Rachel Amber.

"Rachel?" I asked, finally able to make noise. "What are you doing here if I'm not dead?" I asked. This was confusing me. If I wasn't dead, then why was I currently in the presence of a dead girl?

"Max, you're in what I like to call Boredomville. It's a limbo, but boring as fuck. But I can do cool shit like this," she raised her hands and the black abyss slowly morphed into the Two Whales diner. She wondering over to my usual booth, sitting down and gesturing for me to do the same. 

"Okay, let's have a talk. And no, before you ask, I am not a part of your subconscious or whatever. I am actually here, I am actually talking to you. So, let's talk."

"Um, about what?" I asked. I was getting more confused as the minutes passed. "What's going on?"

"Max, you have to go back." Rachel said, staring intensely into my eyes. "You have to survive this." I began shaking my head harder with every word she spoke.

"I can't. You may have loved him, Rachel, but I just can't stand that room. I've been there twice now. I can't do it. I began to cry. "I'm not strong enough to survive a second time! I don't want to!"

"Max, I know it's hard. But I can assure you right now, you're safe. If you choose to wake up, you'll be safe. I promise you." She reached her hand over the table to grab mine. 

"Because I do. I swear to you, I am telling the truth. Please believe me." Rachel pleaded. Her eyes were wide and didn't show any signs that what she was saying was false. I wanted to believe her, I really did. I just couldn't. This was the girl who played three people, including Chloe, at the same time. How could I believe anything she said?

"Look, Rachel. I honestly want to believe you, but I don't know if I can." I told her. She sighed, and sat back in the booth. Shaking her head, she yelled, "it's not working!" I didn't understand who she was talking to, until yet another appearance shocked me.

He was tall, short hair, no facial hair, and wearing the biggest smile I ever saw him wearing, so warm and loving, it lit up his entire face, filling his big blue eyes with love. "Max, it's so good to see you."

"Oh, my God. William? Is that really you?" I asked, tearing up. 

"Yes, Max. It really is me. Everything that Rachel has told you is true. You need to go back, Max. As much as I miss you and Chloe, I would like to watch you beautiful girls live your lives to the fullest first. I'm in no rush for either of you to join me." He smiled even bigger, something I didn't know was possible.

"You make it sound like Chloe is going to join us in a bit." I said, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"If you choose to stay here, that will absolutely be the case, and we all know that. She can't lose you at this point, Max. You are far too important to her. You are quite literally her life. If you die, so does she. You have to make a choice, Max. But I encourage you to return to Chloe. She needs you."

I took a deep breath, glancing between Rachel and William. I sighed, then smiled. "Any messages you would like me to pass along?"



Her name left my mouth before I even opened my eyes. I could tell that the room I was in was very bright. Please be a hospital, don't be the Dark Room, please be a hospital, don't be the Dark Room.

"MAX! OH, MY GOD! DON'T EVER EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" Chloe's beautiful voice reached my ears. I opened my eyes to see bright white lights and a blur of blue right in front of me. Something heavy was on my legs, but once my vision cleared, I realized that it was Chloe. She pulled me in, hugging me tightly, whispering things like 'you're alive' and 'you're okay' and 'I'm here, you're safe.'I could hear soft cries elsewhere in the room, but my focus was on Chloe.

"Miss Price, I'm going to need you to remove yourself  from Miss Caulfield's bed so I may check her vitals, please." Chloe and I both looked up to see a doctor, a surprised expression on his burly face.  

"Right. Sorry." Chloe said as she got up from the bed, wiping her eyes. She moved to the corner, where both of our parents stood. Everybody seemed like they had all been crying. 

After the doctor finished checking my vitals, he left the room promising to return in a few hours. Chloe stood at the foot of my bed, with Mom and Dad on my left and Joyce and David on my right. To see the relief in every single set of eyes around me was a bit of alarming but also endearing.

"Max, we're so glad you're here with us. You gave us quite a scare!" Mom said. Everyone just nodded their agreements. 

"Um, I know I just woke up, but may I please have just five minutes alone with Chloe? I really want to talk to her." I said. Nobody seemed surprised by the request. 

"Of course, honey, we'll be right outside if you need us at all. Take as long as you need." It was Joyce who answered my request, receiving the tiniest of dirty looks from my parents.She ushered them out, but stopped when I called to her and David, both giving me their full attention.

"Joyce, William says he loves you and he's watching out for you. David, William says if you hit his little girl again, he'll kill you and then kill you again." I smiled. Joyce, David and Chloe all had shocked expressions on their faces. Then Joyce just smiled and left the room.

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