🍺Drunk (Maknae Line)🍺

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Note: This is gonna have a different structure (?) from the 'Hyung Line' version.





Y/N turned her attention from her phone to Jin, who somewhat had a worried look plastered on his –handsome– face.

"Can you go to the dance studio? Jiminie said he'll be in a couple minutes, it's been nearly two hours. Do you mind going there to check on him?" Jin stated, voice filled with worry.

Y/N looked over to her phone to check the time because Jimin left around 7 PM something– Wow! It's already 9:28?!

"Sure." Y/N nodded, also starting to worry.

She got off the couch and quickly ran to her room to grab a oversized hoodie and put it on. She put her shoes on and didn't bother to put on a cap or a face-mask, figuring it was already dark outside and nobody would recognize her. She jogged her way to the dance studio couple blocks from their dorm.


Finally, getting to the dance studio, she was left with empty spaces, which meant the staffs already left since it was already late and they were done with their shifts. She walked down the corridor to their dance practice room.

"Jiminie-oppa??" Y/N called as she entered the room.

When her eyes spotted the man she was looking for, she sighed in relief but then she saw three empty bottles of soju and Jimin sitting on the floor with a bottle of soju in hand.

"Jimin!" She exclaimed and ran up to him.

"Y-Y/N?!" Jimin excalimed in surprise but then he yelled, "G-Go away!" Jimin slurred, clearly drunk.

"Yah!! Why are you out here, drinking, huh?!" Y/N shouted back.

"It's none of your business!!" Jimin yelled, "So just leave me alone!!!" He turned away.

Y/N watched as his shoulders shook lightly, as if he was preventing it from shaking any more. She squatted in front of him, hands on her knees as she gazed at Jimin with a worried look.

"Jiminie?" She spoke softly, "What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

Jimin stayed silent, frowning as he stared at the floor, refusing to look at her as he gently put down the bottle of soju that was in his hand.


"I'm just... so frustrated at myself. I mess up everything.." He croaked, from the lump on his throat, "I do my best to make everything perfect– but I a-always me-mess up—"

Y/N quickly hugged him, Jimin wrapped his arms around her, crying on her shoulder. Y/N rubbed circles on his back, whispering him soothing things to calm him down.

"It's okay, Jiminie." She reassured him.

"B-But I-I-I never do a-anything ri-righ–"

"Park Jimin-ssi." Y/N spoke, "You don't have to be perfect, no one is perfect. Jungkook makes mistakes, I make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes. Don't beat yourself up with that. Hmm? You're perfect just the way you are now."

Jimin hugged her closer, relaxing. The room echoed with his constant hiccupping and Y/N whispered sweet nothings in his ear.

Once he was alright, Y/N broke the hug and looked in his eyes.

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