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That was what I heard to get me out of my coma like state.

I looked around.

I was on a bed that I didn't recognize, in a room that I didn't know, and I was in a place that I didn't have any idea how to escape.

All I remember is saving NightWing by vapor traveling.

My injuries were mostly healed.

It hurt only slightly when I moved, but it could've been worse.

I must've been here for awhile for me to have healed this much.

I went over to the door and tried to open it.

TRIED! But it was locked, even with my full strength I couldn't open it.

I looked up at the ceiling, there was a air vent.

I undid the latches to keep the metal bars in place and pulled myself up.

I reached down to the floor and put the air vent on to the best of my ability.

I tried to vapor travel to somewhere I knew,  but I began feeling dizzy from the struggle so I stopped.

I saw a vent leading up, so I took it and soon saw daylight streaming in.

I opened the vent and I went down, landing on the ground without a sound. I started wandering the halls. I was walking down a corridor until i started hearing footsteps. Schist!!! There was no where to hide so I played it off cool.

I saw a little kid walking out of a room  which was labeled "Tim".

He started to walk down the same hallway. He wasn't really paying any attention to his surroundings so I almost made it past him.

Key word almost. He looked up right as my shadow passed him.

He suddenly turned around and grabbed my arm.

"Who are you?"

I didn't answer so he took my silence as violence and got into a battle stance.

I did the same. We circled and examined each other for a few seconds.

Seemingly satisfied with his strategy, he dove at me. I easily side-stepped causing him to dive at the floor instead. He turned his dive into a roll and came back up into a stance. He had more pressure on his right leg which was leading him. It was my turn to dive now so I took my opportunity and sweeped his left leg out from under him. I took his moment of weakness and shoved him into a wall causing him to be knocked out cold.

I took a safe bet and went back into the vents so I wouldn't be discovered.

I climbed through the air shafts again until I started hearing voices.

There was a gruff voice that I didn't recognize, and there was also one I did recognize, it was Mick? No Drew? No Dick! Dick Grayson! The cop that gave me a ride to the park.

I drew closer to the vent until I could see into the dark and gloomy room.

It wasn't really like a room, more like a cave.

Dick was talking to a man wearing a bat costume. (Which in my hero opinion is slightly odd. Like why would you dress up as a small animal and punch bad guys in the discreet night?)

I've heard of a vigilante in Gotham named Batman, this must be him.

How would he know Officer Grayson?

"Has her condition changed at all?" Batman asked with a stony yet comforting voice.

"No, it's like she is asleep but won't wake up."

"Have you checked today?"

"I was going to before I started my patrol for the night. By the way Bruce, thank you for letting me use the cave, I know this could jeopardize you and Tim, but seriously thank you. I know you and I haven't been on as good of terms but this means a lot to me."

"Your my son Dick, of course I wouldn't deny your request. And talking about Tim, he should be here by now for patrol."

" I don't know, he may be running late. He said he had some homework to finish up, he may be still in his room doing it. If I may be excused I'm going to check out Percy to make sure she is okay." 

   He left going in the direction my room was. 

Bruce/Batman put his hand up to his ear comm and spoke, "Tim, report to the Bat Cave for evening patrol."

No answer.

"Tim this is not funny answer back!"

Still no answer.

Dick hurriedly ran back into the room. "Percy is gone!'


"I went to go and check on her she she was gone, no trace."

"Tim isn't answering his comms either."

"Come on Bruce, we have to find them!"


This is what I imagined Percy would look like wandering through the halls

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This is what I imagined Percy would look like wandering through the halls.

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