Chapter • 1 • »

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Mahiru sighs loudly as he lays his cheek against the cool cafe's table "I need a new job" He grumbles

"What happened to your old one aniki?"

The brunette lifts his face to look at Tetsu with a miserable expression on his face "The manager fired me because of how 'my friends are savages'" He says before dropping his head again. Beside him, Licht grumbles angrily "It wasn't my fault! How was i supposed to know beating some sense into that demon could lead to Mahiru getting fired?"

Sitting across from the ravenette Mikuni chuckles as he plays with his doll "Licht-kun~ that 'demon' was the manager's son" He points out with a grin "And you kicked him in the face!!" Mikuni laughs, clutching unto the doll

A smack is heard before Mikuni yelps in pain. Misono glares at his brother "You weren't any better!! You kept scaring the employee and that customer with that act of yours" He huffs

"Misono.. you weren't any different" Licht rolls his eyes at his friend who sits beside him, Misono turns to face him confusedly "You kept calling the customer bastard and arguing nonstop with him" At this Misono's face heats up and he huffs, looking away from his friends and brother in embarrassment

Mikuni awe'd at the expression Misono is making, Tetsu tries to say something to cheer him up while Licht tries stifle his laughter "SHUT UP!!! ALL OF YOU!!!" Misono screams, catching other people's attention and making him squeak in surprised and flush even more red

"Aawww~ you sound like a baby bunny" Mikuni cooed "And your face is as red as a tomato~"

"Stop talking you mistake of nature!!!"

"'Mistake of nature'?!? How mean~!!"

"Mistake of nature??"

"It's just what Mikuni is Tetsu, don't worry bout it"

Mahiru turns his head towards his friends, he chuckles to himself at the humorous scene. Though he wasn't lying about being fired because of them he isn't at all angry about it

A customer had been harrasing him and the man-who Mahiru recognize as someone from Mikuni's college- wouldn't take no for an answer, he didn't want to be rude to a customer while he was working either. Luckily it happened just as the three were visiting him-for god knows what, they saw the situation Mahiru somehow found himself in and how uncomfortable he was and started taking action, granted the actions they did wasn't exactly family friendly but he appreciates it

Misono had immediately went to the customer and started telling him off and yelling at him, the guy looked confused but at the same time scared because there was a short teen yelling at him. At first Mahiru thought Licht would join Misono but it turned out that he had kicked an employee who had just watched without doing anything in the face, Mahiru is honestly still surprised the man hadn't fainted from the kick

Trust him that he had tried to calm them both down-well try is a bit too strong, honestly he was annoyed and angry himself. When things gotten a little bit out of hand the manager came out to see what the hell was going on, Mahiru told her what happened but instead of yelling at the customer who started this mess she had blamed Mahiru for his barbaric's friends actions

Looks like it had stopped being funny for Mikuni-who had been laughing while the chaos was happening-when the manager threatened to call the police on them for harrasing her son. The college student had walked up to the her with a smile that meant he was hiding something and whispered something that Mahiru couldn't make out into her ear. Whatever he said made the manager turn pale though, and she immediately changed her mind

Although she didn't called the police she did fired him with a text on the same day, if he was being honest he wasn't too surprised he got fired

"It's fine" Mahiru then say with a shrug, gaining everyone's attention "I didn't like working there anyway so you don't have to feel bad" Then he gives them a thankful smile "And.. thanks for what you did"

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