« Chapter • 2 • »

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"Mahiru!! Watch where you're-"


"Going..." Koyuki finish with a sigh, watching as Mahiru groans and clutch his forehead that slammed unto the wall infront of him. When the hell did that appear?!

"Mahiru.. you've been spacing out so much today..." Ryuusei points out as his boyfriend helps Mahiru up from the ground "What are you thinking about?"

Mahiru stare at his two friends as if trying to register what they said "What.. am i thinking about?" The brunette echoes in a small whisper. The memories of what happened at the servamp mansion suddenly comes back to him, that includes picturing the person that he had very litteraly bumped into

Kuro Ash Servamp

And his face turns bright red almost immediately "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL!! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I SWEAR!!" Mahiru screams suddenly while flailing his arms around

Koyuki and Ryuusei stare at their panicking friend, wondering if all the stress has finally got to him


"Yuuma, I would very much appreciate it if you would get back to work!" Kita scolds Yuuma who's still on his phone, the brunette girl sighs before taking the phone out of the male's hands. Yuuma stares at Kita with a pout in return "What's the big deal~ not everyone enjoys working like you do Kita!!" Yuuma whines loudly

Kita sighs "It's not that i particularly enjoy working, but it is our duty that we have to fulfill"

"You sure you aren't just trying to impress Gil?"

Kita yelps at the accusation. Before she could do anything to Yuuma though, a girl throws herself unto her back and giggles loudly "Come on guys~ stop arguing~ we should be celebrating that there will be some new servants!!"

"Naomi! Don't startle me like that!" Kita says with another tired sigh making Naomi giggle and Yuuma laugh. Then Yuuma gains a confused look "Wait, where did you hear that from?"

"From Ruu and Kate ofcourse!! They've been doing some spying~"

"Ofcourse they have" Yuuma and Kita says in unison, Yuuma with a smile while Kita with a frown

Suddenly they hear someone snap their fingers and the three of them turns to look at Liza who stares at them almost annoyedly "Come on you three, let's get back to work!" She tells them while Goro tried to stiffle his laughter from behind her "If you don't you'll get fired" He jokes lightly


"Oh by the way Yuuma!"

Yuuma turns towards his roomate with a raise eyebrow while the three girls walks ahead "What's up Goro?". Goro laughs lightly, his eyebrows are narrowed down nervously "Well.. have you heard anything about Oiko-sama getting a caretaker??"

"Oh~ you mean what Nao-chan was talking about" Yuuma nods "I do, what about it?"

"Well i was wondering if they had choose anyone yet? I don't know anything since I'm Okami's servant" Goro admits with a nervous sounding chuckle. The older of the two laughs at that and raise his hand to flick at the blonde's forehead "Ow-!!" Goro wince

"Don't think about it too much~ you'll ruin that young brains of yours. And from what I've heard Sozosha-sama seems to have a few he would like to pick"

"Now~ now you two~" Both turn their head and sees River grinning at them "Get back to work before Guil finds out that you're slacking off" He tease

Before Goro and Yuuma can answer him they feel someone's dark aura growing behind them making them freeze in fear. River only blinks with a smile "Ah, too late"

Servamp - My Sweet Caretaker//RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now