« Chapter • 4 • »

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Mahiru smiled and waved at a pair of servant girls that walked by them, one hand grey hair and the other had purple. The purple haired girl waved back happily while the other just gave them a smile as they walk pass them

He has to say, the house is a lot bigger on the inside than he had originally thought

After greeting them at the entrance Daiki had asked them to follow him towards their room where they will stay for the rest of their work time here. As they walked towards their rooms Daiki had started talking about what they are expected to be doing

"The young masters are all very.. particular, for example it's hard to wake them up in the morning without any of them making a bit of a fuss" The white haired male explained "We are also expecting you to keep track of what they eat, what they are doing, keeping them out of trouble and such"

Misono and Mahiru were both staring at Daiki with cartoonish horrified expressions "Babysitters? We're working as babysitters?!" was the thought that crossed their minds

Mikuni meanwhile looked like he was trying hard not to laugh, Licht looked somewhat disgusted

Tetsu tilted his head in confusion "I thought they had personal servants for those kinds of stuff"

Daiki shrugged "The servants are here to answer the servamps every request, we've never had to 'take care' of them like you will"

"Uhuh.. And what exactly changed this?"

"Oh" Daiki glanced back briefly, Mahiru swore his eyes shone with mischief "Five of them got kicked out from their previous school"

"E-- Eehh?!" Scary!! What kind of people are these guys?! Mahiru shivered

"Ah here we are" Daiki stopped at the end of one of the many hallways in the house. There was three doors on their left and three on their right "the last room on the right is currently unoccupied but we have already prepared the other bedrooms for you"

"Just how many rooms does this house have?" Licht deadpanned, though his question went unanswered by Daiki

"I'll let you get settled in" The servant told them as he began walking away "After that we will introduce you to your respective masters"

Mahiru really, really did not have a good feeling about that


"Not bad..." Mikuni hummed as he scanned his new room

" Mikuni hummed as he scanned his new room

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Servamp - My Sweet Caretaker//RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now