« Chapter • 3 • »

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(A/N: changed my writing style again because turns out it's hard writing in present tense T-T

Also question, should i change Okami's name to her canon given name?)

Misono blinked several times, his mouth hanging open "...Apology, but can you please repeat what you just said?" He asked, seemingly not believing what came out of Mahiru's mouth

None of them seemed to have believed Mahiru actually

Even Tetsu had looked skeptical

"Well..." Mahiru started again with a sigh and a small (confused?) smile "We got accepted as the new caretakers" He raised his arms to wave around trying to act excited "woohoo?" Mahiru's pretty sure he didn't look convincing though judging from how his three friends were looking at him

"...How the actual fuck-"

"Language!" Mikuni huffed teasingly

Licht promptly ignored him "-did that even happened?!" Was he really going to be working in a demon invested place?!

"What Licht said" Misono finally said with a grimaced "I had thought we would have gotten a restraining order rather than a job because of the incident" He told them, his eyes were firmly on Mahiru

Without Misono having to say anything Mahiru immidietly knew what incident Misono had in mind, and because of that his cheeks turned bright red, he groaned, covered his face and wished he could crawl into a hole to die in embarrassment "Please.. Stop reminding me it..."

"Reminding you of what? Ah, you mean when you crashed into-"

"Uwaaah! Tetsu!" Misono shook his head as he watched Mahiru cover Tetsu's mouth in a panic, the blonde looked confused but didn't push Mahiru away. His gaze turned towards Licht who had been groaning loudly in annoyance for awhile now, the ravenatte trully looked like he wanted to die

"If it's true then it is going to be one hell of a job" Mikuni spoke with a smile and a shrug "I mean, it's not everyday that we can work with one of the top family in the city, right?" The shortest of the group shook his head, he hated to admit it, but he had to agree with Mikuni

Mahiru suddenly turned his attention towards the others with a frown, he slowly moved his hands away from Tetsu and clasped them infront of him "You know you don't have to do this, right?" He told them, he didn't want them to feel like they HAD to help him without any other choice "I mean, you're all are already busy with your own thing, so i really don't want to-"

Licht raised his hand to stop Mahiru from speaking further, meanwhile he used his other hand to massage his temples "Stop. As much as i don't want to go back to that demon invested place-"

"demon invested???"

"-it's my duty as an angel and your friend to work with you on this" He shrugged "Besides, Krantz already let me have this job just as long as it doesn't get in the way of practices nor performances"

"I'm sure my family's hot spring will be fine without me, Aniki" Tetsu said, giving Mahiru thumbs up with a determined expression "And if it doesn't then I'll just have to work twice as hard"

"Please don't overwork yourself, you two..." Mahiru told them worriedly

Says you..

Misono cleared his throat "Same here" When everyone turned to look at him he blushed heavily "Wha- what?! Ca- can't i help a friend out? Geez!" He huffed, looking away with a blush

Mikuni chuckled before picking up Abel and began speaking "These kids grows up so fast~ don't you think, Abel?" He cooed to the doll before turning towards his friends "Well then! Since all of you have agreed then i guess I'll also be agreeing" The blonde winked and stuck his tounge out "After all! You need an adult to help you out and who better than big brother Mikuni-?"

Servamp - My Sweet Caretaker//RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now