Chapter 7

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Kitty pushed into the apartment styled dormitory before she flopped down on to the small couch.

Pulling a magazine from the side table, she began to flip through the pages of one of her beauty magazines.

As I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, I could not help but giggle when I heard Kitty sigh out in frustration just loud enough to purposely capture my attention.

"What's wrong Kitty?" I yelled through the crack of the bathroom door.

"Fuck you Alisha." She barked.

"Don't be like that."

She began to yell out in her second language. I could tell through the high pitch tone that whatever she was saying in was definitely offensive.

"I don't know why I even agree to this. I don't know why I even agreed to tag along." Kitty flipped through the pages roughly.

"You know more about these parties then I do." I tussled with the unmanageable curls that settled around my face. "You're the popular one."

I always thought once you've reached college, that popularity contest would cease to exist. Sadly, I noticed that it remand the same from High School to College. An issue that made me believe that the popularity world would go on throughout life.

"Trust me." I heard her yell. "Not by choice."

She made it perfectly clear.

"We have been here for over a year and you have never cared to go to any of these parties." I could hear that curiosity in Kitty's voice.

"I know. I guess that's why I decided go." I pouted at my unmanageable hair that did not want to go my way. "I thought maybe I should get out a little."

"And leave your books behind?" She teased.

"Ha ha very funny." My eyes rolled.

She considered me to be that book worm based off of my love for books; books of all different genres. It was typically my weekend relaxation and she knew that.

You see, I was different than most and I have always been.

Growing up in the urban community as young black girl, most thought my mind was focused on what most girls were focused on in high school. Boys, makeup, and fancy clothes.

However I preferred to spend my time on other things. Books, scientific shows, and comics. Things most girls found to be boyish.

"Maybe I just want to get out." I shuffled through my makeup; my lips poked out as I searched through the minimum amount of cosmetic products.

"Or maybe." I spun around in a panic to see her leaning against the door frame of the bathroom's entrance way. "Or maybe you have other reasons to be there."

"Other reasons?" I played.

"One word." Her index finger pointed upward. "Monte."

"What?" I laughed out. "Kitty, I'm in college. I spend thousands of dollars on a dorm, tuition, and books."


"I just think I should get the full college experience."

"So a college party is part of that experience ah?"

"Well, yeah."

"So it's not Monte or the fact that he is going to be a part of the semi-annual bachelor fundraiser?"

Tonight was the Annual Brunsworth's College Fundraiser and we were dressing to attend.

What was this year's fundraiser? A bachelor auction.

Throughout the night, the campus's most eligible men signed up to be auctioned off to the highest female bidders.

The female bidders and the man of choice were then sent to a local restaurant of the bidder's choice.

It always sounded so ridiculous however the cause seemed like a great idea at the end.

The funding would contribute toward the Met Gala and the community Holiday food drive.

Tonight, Monte Hamilton was participating in the auction. Tonight, my college crush was being auctioned off to hopefully me.

"Nope." I promised.

Kitty eyed me; her eyebrow curved up as she reached into the bathroom closet and pulled her makeup bag.

"Sit. You have no idea what you are doing." She began to empty her bag.

"Thank you."

"I'm only going for you." She assured me.

She never cared for these parties; even when she was personally invited to every last one of them by the host and hostess.

"I know and thank you."

"Well let's fix you up a little." Kitty pulled her brushes and foundations before she went to work on my face...

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