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I wake up to an excited Jihoon yelling about presents. I smile and climb out of bed. "Bug, lets go wake up Appa," I say. He smiles and nods. Yoongi has to work late last night. He slept at his actual apartment because he didn't want to wake us up while coming in.
Jihoon and I go out in our pajamas and to Yoongi's apartment. We quietly do to his room. Holly looks up at us, but just watches us since she knows us. I lift Jihoon onto Yoongi's bed. He climbs onto his stomach. Yoongi shifts a little, but not much.
"Appa!" Jihoon tells, bouncing on Yoongi chest. "Appa is Christmas! You have to give me presents!"
Yoongi wakes up groggily. "Eh-what law says I have to give you presents?"
Jihoon stops moving. "B-b-but-"
"I'm just kidding baby," Yoongi gets up, resting Jihoon on his hip. "Of course I got you presents." He kisses Jihoon's cheek before exchanging kisses with me. We go back over to my apartment.
"Daddy, when is Tae Tae and Kook going to be here?" He asks, sitting on the couch.
"Soon. They texted me last night that they were going to exchange presents with themselves first, then they'll be over here," I say.
Yoongi smiles. "It's a tradition right? For them to come over in the holidays?"
I nod. "Yeah, I have a feeling that's going to change. I mean, I already have my son. But now I have you. And if we stay together, we'll want more kids hopefully. Plus Taehyung and Jungkook will have their own family in three months."
Yoongi nods. "Your Christmas' are very different than what we had at Hoseok's and BB's. It'd be open presents, eat breakfast together, I'd drive down to see my parents. Hoseok and B.B. stay home and have some fun of their own literally all day. I'll stay with my parents until the day after then I'd drive back home and give the Kim kids their presents."
I smile. "Do you still want to visit your parents? Don't make us break your tradition."
He shakes his head. "Like you said, we have our own family now." He does a double take. "But I think my mom would love to see you after all this time. She always scholded me for letting you go, she'd say you're the best thing that's every happened to me. It didn't help with my unstable condition, because it's exactly how I felt."
I smile. "I think you should text them and say we're coming over."
He smiles and nods. "But my dad is no better than what he was before. I don't want you to get upset. I'm afraid he'll understand even less with you being pregnant."
I shake my head. "I'm the strongest person there is, Yooongi. I'm gay, a parent, and pregnant." Yoongi kisses my forehead saying he knows. A few minutes later, Taehyung and Jungkook come with a big pile of presents for Jihoon.
"Happy Christmas, baby!" Jungkook exclaims. Jihoon runs to his uncles, hugging them both. They bring the presents for him into the living room so he can start opening them. We let him rip through them without stopping him.
"Guys, why's you get him so many?" I ask. "We don't have enough room, plus you have your own babies coming."
Taehyung smiles. "That's the point. One last time to spoil our original baby before we are occupied by our own." He kisses Jihoon's head as the young boy pulls out a robotic dog.
Great, that thing will never be turnt off.
After presents, we all sit down and eat. Taehyung and Jungkook leave to go to Daegu. They're going to visit both of their families. Yoongi and I decide it would be nice to visit Yoongi's family. Since my dad will be over we should visit his. He gets Jihoon a bag of toys to take on the way there even though is only about thirty minutes. Plus he'll need something to do there. Yoongi texts his mom about us coming and we get in the road.
Everything feels so surreal. Like we are an actual family. The love of my life and our baby singing loud and proud to Christmas songs on the radio. Both of them singing the wrong English words. I record them to save the memories. The two boys I'm in love with.
The car stops. I give Yoongi's a hand a reassuring wheeze before getting out and getting Jihoon. He can't unbuckle himself when he has his coat on. Yoongi gets the bag of toys. "It's probably only my parents now. We usually celebrate in the morning," he says. I kiss his cheek before he knocks on the door.
The door opens quickly. Mrs. Min is standing there excitedly. Her face brightens. "Jimin!" She enfolds me in a hug. "Oh so happy you're back!" She let's go. "A baby! Yoongi you didn't mention he had a baby!"
Jihoon shys away behind me, holding onto my leg. Yoongi chuckles at his mom's behavior. "Yes, well Jihoon isn't a baby, right Bug?" Jihoon nods.
She lets us in. "Perfect timing too. Dinner will be done in about a hour. Help yourself to snacks. Your dad is watching American football," she says.
I help Jihoon get his outdoor clothes off and hang them up. Jihoon holds Yoongi's hand while Yoongi shows us to the living room. His dad is sitting in a brown recliner. He looks the same except he has more grey hair than last time. He looks at us.
"Yoongi, you came," He says.
"Uh yeah, I brought my boyfriend and his son," Yoongi says. Our son, I want to correct. "You remember Jimin right?"
His dad looks at me. "The kid from years ago right? The one that you turned soft for." I look at my hands feeling like a helpless teenager again.
"Min, don't talk to him like that," Mrs. Min says. "He's raised that child on his on, this more than you could ever do."
Mr. Min looks at me. "By yourself? So what'd you do? Bang a chick and get left with the outcome?"
"Uh no actually," I say. I squeeze Yoongi's hand. "I was fortunate enough to be born with a uterus. I got pregnant and am blessed with the outcome."
His dad scoffs. "And you're pregnant again? Who's is it now?"
"I'm a surrogate for my friends. They're having twins," I say.
"Daddy, can I play?" Jihoon whines slightly. "Yes buggie. Okay right here so I can see you," I say.
Mr. Min looks at Jihoon for a while. He watches him play with his toys on the rug. He looks up at old picture frames of Yoongi set around the house. He makes eye contact with me and furrows his eyebrows. Shit. He knows.I pray he doesn't say anything. Instead he gets on the floor next to his grandchild and start playing with him.
Yoongi looks at me with a surprised look. He's actually surprised his dad is playing with my child. Mrs. Min comes in announcing dinner is done. But she sees her husband on the floor with Jihoon and giggles. She takes a few pictures before dragging Yoongi and I to the dining room to eat. We eat and chat with Yoongi's mom while Jihoon is playing in the living room with Mr. Min. Thy eventually come in and I help Jihoon with his plate.
"So you raised Jihoon alone?" Mr. Min questions. "That's quiet hard isn't it? You were only a kid back then."
I nod. "It was difficult but I didn't raise him alone. I had my dad and my friends always were helping. I managed to get through college and now everything is perfect," I say happily.
"What's your career?"
"I'm a lawyers assistant," I answer.
Mr. Min smiles. "That's very responsible. I always encouraged Yoongi to become a lawyer or a doctor. But his love for music is unbreakable," he sighs. "At least he gets paid good."
Yoongi pats my hand. It's comforting. He can tell I'm one edge, he just doesn't know what had me on edge would change out life if he knew. I know he wouldn't leave us. I'm just scared he'll be mad that I kept it from him and never tried reaching out all those years.
The rest of dinner goes by peacefully. We have desert and Jihoon falls asleep in Mrs. Min lap. Yoongi announced that it was time to go. He picked up Jihoon and says he's taking him to the car. I sit on the floor and pick up the toys N
Jihoon brought.
Mr. Min comes and sits next to me and starts helping. "So, Yoongi doesn't know he has a son?"
I shake my head. "I want to tell him. I'm just so scared of his reaction. I know he wouldn't leave because of it. But he'll be mad that I kept it a secret for so long," I explain.
"I think you should go for it. Plus, I want to see more of my grandson."
I smile.i plan on telling him once the twins are born. I don't want to get in a fit. That's cause stress and we don't want that."
"Of course not," he says. He helps me up. "Have a safe drive home." I thank him and get my coat on. I give Mrs. Min a hug and meet Yoongi in the car. I give him a quick kiss before he starts driving. I lay back and drift into a happy, content sleep.

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