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"It's a mess!" I yell. "I'm so tired! I don't want to come from a long day at work and see toys and dishes everywhere! I just want to eat and go to bed!" Tears start streaming down my face. Jihoon is wailing because of my yelling.
It's been a long week. I've gotten so sleep because the twins are restless. Jihoon has been having growing pains and is extra sensitive to pain. And of course he had to have some of his teeth loosen. Yugyeom and I are working on a case about a hospital denying a mental health patient because of her sexual orientation. And to top it off, Yoongi has been working late the last few nights leaving me to take care of Jihoon alone. Being close to seven months pregnant isn't helping.
The reason for my hysterics, Jihoon spilt his milk and didn't clean it up when Yoongi told him to. Yoongi cleaned it up, but it didn't stop me from throwing a fit about it.
Yoongi sighs. "If you want me to clean the house I can. You can go to bed."
I cry more. "I can't! I want to eat! And we haven't bought food for the week. I am in so much pain! I just want a little help around here!"
Jihoon wails louder. "Daddy don't cry! I sorry for spilling milk. I clean everything all up. Please be happy daddy. Stop yelling at Appa." He throws himself into the couch and pouts out his tears.
Yoongi wraps his arms around me. He kisses my chubby cheeks. "Just go lay down. I'll make dinner. I'll clean. You just go to bed and don't worry about anything. I am here for you always," he whispers. He wipes my face. "So pretty. Go get your beauty sleep, Prince."
I giggle and nod. I make my way to the bedroom. I lay down and easily find myself asleep.

Don't Leave Me ••• Yoonmin MpregWhere stories live. Discover now