Chapter starts after this little chat ^_^ Picture to the side is Taryn, made by Amaterasu.
The hooded girl: *Peeks around corner and calls over shoulder at Amaterasu* We're safe! *Steps on stage* Hello everyone. We're back and with another special guest tonight!
Amaterasu: *Wipes away nervous bead of sweat* Phew! I guess he got loose and went home. You don't think he'll come after us, do you? Oh, *Finally notices audience* Hi everyone! ^_^
The hooded girl: *Grins amused* I think we're safe with the presence of our guest tonight. He won't show his face anytime soon. *Turns to guest* Welcome Taryn.
Amaterasu: *Grins* Hello Taryn! So happy you could join us today! *Deeply relieved*
Taryn: *Not fooled by this behavior* What did you two do?
The hooded girl: Who? Us? Nothiiing. *Sweat-drops*
Taryn: *Rolls eyes* Sure *Not believing that for one second* So, why did you two invite me here?
Amaterasu: Not to be our body guards, honest *Still looks guilty* We just thought you'd like to help us usher in the next new chapter of Clash, which you star in ^_^
The hooded girl: That's right. You must be real excited that your students made it to the seconds round and are now battling in the Forest of Death. *Realizes how that sounds and clears throat* I mean, I'm sure they'll get out alive, hardly anyone gets eaten there. *Chuckles* Though Hiro almost got eaten in chapter 2...... *Making things even worse* I mean... *Gulps when Taryn slowly turns to her*
Taryn: Hiro got WHAT?!
The hooded girl: *Shrinks* Anyway *Desperately searching for safer topic*.... Things were getting really heated with those Cloud nin.... ^^ "
Amaterasu: *Turns Taryn away from the hooded girl and pats her on the back* Now, don't you worry your pretty little head, Hisayo's students are proctors for the exam *Realizes that knowing that might not make Taryn feel better* know exam proctors make sure things don't get too out of hand, so your boys will be okay. For now, think of this as a vacation! You don't have to have your little brother breathing down your neck last until the finals *mutters* >.>
Taryn: What was that?
The hooded girl: *Sighs* Way to make things better. Nothing, eh heh heh. Don't mind her. *Smiles widely* Soooooo, what is it like to be back in Konoha after so long?
Taryn: Much has changed.
The hooded girl: Indeed it has. New shops, new residents.... *Stops before saying something stupid again* So, Amaterasu, any questions for our guest?
Amaterasu: I do, but it may ignite a world war ...>.> So I'll just keep my trap shut. Oooo, but I have one that might be okay...Can I play with your awesome fan. Can I? Please, please, please XD
Taryn: *Hesitantly* Umm... I'm not sure.... *Deadpans when Amaterasu takes fan from her hands* Careful, that is not a toy... *Ducks when Amaterasu raises the weapon*
The hooded girl: *Seeks cover behind cabinet* Errr Ami... are you sure that's a good idea...
Amaterasu: *Pulls down goggles—from where she got them, no one knows* Alright! Time for some air! Weeeeee! *Soars into the air over audience* I believe I can fly~~
Taryn: Come back before you hurt yourself!
The hooded girl: *Ducks low when ceiling light crashes down* Eeeeeeeeeeeeep! *Coughs against dust cloud that follows* And *cough* That was it for today. *Ducks again when wall collapses* We'll be back next time... hopefully... Take care and *Loud crash heard* Drive safely! Can someone get a medic in here?! And a construction worker? ^^ "
Amaterasu: Woah!! How do you stop this thing?! *Only now, starting to think about her safety*
The hooded girl: Watch out! *Another loud crash and the lights go out.*

Clash of the brats a collab with Amaterasu
FanfictionThis is a collab story between Amaterasu and me, combining our two stories Crow's Feathers and Beauty is the Beast. Both are set in the Naruto world. We hope you enjoy. Taryn’s students get ready to participate in the Chuunin Exams in Konoha and of...