And here another nice little interview with Daro this time! ^_^
Chapter starts after this little post.Amaterasu: Hello World! Today we have another special guest! The adorable, bull wielding, Daro!! Teehee! I feel a special connection to this guest. I'm a Taurus after all x3 So come on out Daro! *Crowd applause and whistles *
Daro: *blushing like mad* Eh heh heh hello?
The hooded girl: Sit, sit. *waves Daro towards a chair* Tell us Daro, so far the Exams were pretty heated and there were a few close calls. How are you fairing so far? Nervous about the final rounds?
Daro: A little I guess. I don't know much about those Caves shinobi and I'm up against one. But sensei's been helping me out with my jutsu.
Amaterasu: Ooo! Ooooo! Can we see? Can we, can we? * Hopeful gleam in eyes * I wanna see that adorable bull! XD
The hooded girl: uhm... are you sure that's a good idea? We just rebuilt the studio from your last obsession with ninja gear...
Amaterasu: Please * Puppy dog eyes *
Daro: *grins* Alright. Watch this. *weaves hand signs* Earth Style: Rock Stampede! *ground rumbles and forms a giant bull. It snorts and scrapes its hooves against the floor*
* the Bull makes eye contact with Amaterasu. The audience holds their breath. Suddenly a dramatic, cheesy, love at first sight tune plays over the speaker as the bull runs towards Amaterasu in slow motion. Amaterasu runs towards the bull also in a slow motion. The both meet and Amaterasu hugs the happy bull around the neck. Hearts are floating everywhere! You can feel the love!! *
Daro and the hooded girl: ^.^"
The hooded girl: *whispers to Daro* I hope our opponent isn't a Taurus as well.
Daro: *whispers back* maybe it would be a good thing. I could sneak up on him and finish him.
Amaterasu: <3 *still loving on the bull * So adorable! I love you!
Bull: *happy snort *
The hooded girl: -.- " Where is Ash Catchum if you need him?
Amaterasu: Nooo! He's mine!! *Hugs Bull tighter *
Daro: *Almost faints from chakra depletion. Releases jutsu*
Amaterasu: :O Nooooooo!!! >.<
Amaterasu: T.T
The hooded girl: *pats Amaterasu's back* There, there, it will be alright. There will be more bull in the next chapter.
Amaterasu: *has turned into a sniffling ball of depression. * T.T
Daro: *eyes wide in terror of crying girls* Here, how about two tickets to see the finals? *holds out two tickets* All good now? Yeah? *looks frantically for an exit*
Amaterasu: *Blink blink* O.O Wait! I want to see the bull again! Bring him back!! * runs after Daro*
The hooded girl: *calls after Amaterasu* He just gave us tickets to the Finals! You will see the bull again! *sighs* nevermind. *waves at audience awkwardly* Enjoy the new chapter! *runs after Amaterasu* Wait!

Clash of the brats a collab with Amaterasu
FanfictionThis is a collab story between Amaterasu and me, combining our two stories Crow's Feathers and Beauty is the Beast. Both are set in the Naruto world. We hope you enjoy. Taryn’s students get ready to participate in the Chuunin Exams in Konoha and of...