And here we are! Chapter 6 already! And Clash won 1st place in the Naruto Watty Awards! Thank you, eveyone who has voted for us. We are so grateful! ^_^See the nice little banner to the side. And now, onto the chapter.
"Who was it again I was supposed to fight?" Harou asked annoyed.
"I don't know. Terra something," his teammate Kai shrugged, "that chick from Caves."
Harou sighed. "Why do I have to get stuck fighting a girl? Everyone knows they shouldn't be ninja."Behind him, Umi soundlessly lifted a kunai from her holster, ready to fling it at her teammate's head, but her sensei grabbed her wrist before she could throw it. "Be nice, Umi. We still need him."
"Yes Kujira-sensei," Umi grumbled, but as soon as he had turned his back, she kicked Harou in the gut.
"What are you trying to pull?!" Harou snarled at her."Just letting you know, girls can fight too."
Harou snorted. "You're hardly a girl."
Umi narrowed her eyes. "I hope she kills you."
"Nice Umi."
"Will you get serious already?" Kai said irritated, "there's only a week left until the Finals." He threw a dagger at a target without looking and hit the bulls-eye. After this he would be Chuunin and he would be rid of those two idiots. He performed a few signs. "Water Style: Water Darts." Darts of high pressured water shot forward and hit the target as well, one of them splitting the earlier thrown kunai dagger in two. Kai smirked. 'Perfect.' Not that he needed much training. He was only up against a Suna brat. His eyes narrowed. 'One of the Desertstorm's students.' At least it wasn't the Desertstorm herself. Just a measly little Genin. And from what he has seen from the boy so far, not a very brave Genin.
Umi snorted at Kai and formed a few signs of her own. "Needle Rain!" She grinned as she directed the jutsu at Harou.
"You bitch!" Harou shouted and dodged the attack.
Umi smirked. "You're pathetic if you can't even deflect that. It was only a little shower."
"Enough!" Kujira shouted, "we're not back in the days of the Bloody Mist. Stop fighting each other and get to work! There's only a few days left and you will not shame me or your village! Did you hear me?"
"Yes sensei," both Genin replied, but Umi smirked at Harou evilly behind her sensei's back while flicking another kunai dagger.***
The laughter of a woman sounded as she saw the half-dozen trees sizzle from their foundations upward as her large pool of dangerous water continued to expand. Her eyes narrowed dangerously as she saw a teammate of her drawing near with his own training. She adjusted her hand signs and the pool of water shot upwards, raining down after.
"What the hell, Terasu!?" Touji knelt to the ground, toughing the surface with his hands and standing back up in an arching motion to shield himself of the liquid.
Terasu laughed madly as she saw Touji then proceed to undress himself down into nothing but his underwear when the acidic properties of her jutsu that had managed to land on him continued to eat away at him.
"Shut up! That's not funny!"
The woman, though being a crazed one, flinched at the sound of her sensei's harsh reprimanding voice. "What have I said about injuring either of your two teammates before the final round!?"

Clash of the brats a collab with Amaterasu
FanfictionThis is a collab story between Amaterasu and me, combining our two stories Crow's Feathers and Beauty is the Beast. Both are set in the Naruto world. We hope you enjoy. Taryn’s students get ready to participate in the Chuunin Exams in Konoha and of...