This must be the longest chapter yet >.> Well, enjoy!
The two men both looked at one another questioningly at the sound of a loud grumbling. They then both looked to their female companion whose head was sunk in embarrassment, her bangs hiding her eyes and pink tinted cheeks.
Kakashi smiled. "So who's up for a little lunch break? They are giving everyone a bit of rest before the final two fights. What do you say, Hisayo?"
Hisayo gave a silent nod, trying to ignore the small chuckles being given by Akio, before his stomach decided to turn on him and let out a growl that was even louder than Hisayo's.
He scratched at the back of his head in equal embarrassment, giving a sheepish smile. "I guess I'm ready for a bit to eat as well."
"You think Kuro's being brought to the infirmary?" Hiro asked quietly.
"I think so," Daro nodded, "should we go see him?"
"Shouldn't you stay here in case any announcement is being made?"
Daro sighed. His friend did have a point.
"I'll go," Hiro offered, "I'll be right back, kay? I'll bring you something to eat on the way."
"You mean, you're going to get something to eat and visit Kuro in the process and while you're at it, you'll bring me something too."
Hiro shrugged. "What's the difference? I'm gonna do all those things. Does it matter what priority they have?"
Daro shook his head. "Go on already before all the food is gone."
Hiro's eyes went wide. "What? You think that will happen?!" He jumped to his feet. "Be right back."
"So...hungry...ugh..." Akira groaned as he felt his stomach let out another rumble. "Can't we go get something to eat yet?"
Ken rolled his eyes with a smirk. "We have to make sure to make sure the crowds get out safe for the break, then check in for the briefing for the final two rounds and the clean-up after, before we can go get something to eat."
"But I'll die before then from hunger!"
"I can go get us something quick to eat," Suzume offered, "I'm the fastest, so I can go buy lunch and be back before the briefing."
"Yeah, it would be best if you went," Ken said, pointing to Akira, "he'd only get sidetracked by all the food and then he'd stand around forever trying to decide what he wants before he'd finally just buy one of everything."
"Hey! I would not!" Akira defended himself, "besides, it's not my fault there are so many good venders this time of year. It's the Chunin Exams after all."
Suzume giggled, "I'm only getting us bentos from the shop just down the street."
"Aww man, can't you get us something a little better?"
"Do you want to starve to death, Akira?"
Akira shrank back at the unpleasant aura that was now radiating off of the red-head. "N-no, bentos sound great to me! Thanks Suzu!"
Suzume smiled brightly, as though she never had such a menacing aura around her. "Great. I'll be back soon!"
Akira let out the breath he held in and gulped. "Sheesh, Suzume can be scary sometimes."
Ken had to agree. "Yeah, but it's your fault for being so whiny about lunch."
Hiro dashed down the stairs and hurried towards the food stands. When he rounded the corner, in his hurry, he almost collided with someone. "Ugh sorry!" he called, "I'm kinda in a hurry."

Clash of the brats a collab with Amaterasu
FanfictionThis is a collab story between Amaterasu and me, combining our two stories Crow's Feathers and Beauty is the Beast. Both are set in the Naruto world. We hope you enjoy. Taryn’s students get ready to participate in the Chuunin Exams in Konoha and of...