Please don't forget to vote for Clash in the NarutoWattyAwards. Voting closes 27 July. Ignore the strange formatting that might occur. Wattpad killed the layout >.<
The sounds of lightning crackled wildly across the area of battle. Ken's and Akira's eyes went wide as soon as their eyes adjusted to the intense light.
Taryn let go of her chakra and stepped behind the tree again. Now that their sensei was here, there was no need for her to get involved. Still, she was curious to see where this would lead. 'Hn Hisayo is rather good with lightning.' She turned her attention to the Cloud Genin again. It didn't look like they were going to give up soon. 'Perhaps I should linger for a moment longer. You never know.'
Hisayo gritted her teeth as she continued to hold the lighting attack at bay with her own. 'Why is a Genin level attack as strong as this? Suzume...hold on...'
Suzume looked up, her eyes adjusted to the strong light, but she still had to squint. "Hisayo-sensei!"
"Don't move, Suzume," Hisayo grunted, the attack becoming oddly stronger now.
"Gouzen, we have to stop!" K frantically warned, "It's becoming too strong!"
"No! We can handle this!"
"No, we can't! We've never held it this long before! Our chakra control isn't refined enough for this level of attack!"
"Shut up, K! I can't stop it now even if I wanted to! The thundercloud is too big to keep control of!"
"K! Gouzen!" Z had long forgotten about his fight with Akira and Ken who were just as worried for their teammates as he was.
The sounds of lighting grew to a roaring level, and Hisayo was being forced down to a knee now. 'Dammit, I don't have a choice...If I don't then Suzume...' There was no doubt in her mind that her body, being what she was, could handle a lighting strike, but Suzume wouldn't be as fortunate and could actually die. While keeping one arm outstretched, her other lowered slightly to allow for her hand to remove a cuff; the power of the lightning strike becoming even stronger now. 'I need to protect them!'
'Foolish Genin!'
Taryn growled to herself. Who would start an attack they couldn't handle? She saw how Hisayo was forced down to one knee. 'She's not going to last much longer. I have to help her out.' Despite of the negative energy between the two women, Taryn knew she would never forgive herself if she just stood by doing nothing.
She took her fan and stepped out of hiding while gathering her chakra for a wind attack, ready to counter the lightning storm. She had a feeling even that one boy's barriers wouldn't be able to stop this attack.The cuff of Hisayo's fells to the ground, with Suzume reaching quickly over to grab hold of it and keep it safe for her sensei. It wasn't but a short moment after the cuff had been removed, that Hisayo's ears, tail, claws, canines, and red marking became visible for all to see. The added demonic power surged through her entire body and she forced an even stronger surge of lightning from her palms as she stood back up with a demonic cry.
Taryn stopped dead in her tracks as she stared at Hisayo's altered appearance. The woman's chakra had increased massively. 'So that was what I felt back then?' She narrowed her eyes at it. She had seen this before... but where?
The Genin too stared at Hisayo's transformation, but their eyes were filled with fear, making the jutsu spin even wilder.
Taryn jumped out of the way and a lightning strike dug into the ground where she had been standing a mere second ago. She glared at the Genin and kept a firm grip on her weapon. This wasn't over yet.

Clash of the brats a collab with Amaterasu
FanfictionThis is a collab story between Amaterasu and me, combining our two stories Crow's Feathers and Beauty is the Beast. Both are set in the Naruto world. We hope you enjoy. Taryn’s students get ready to participate in the Chuunin Exams in Konoha and of...