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"Are you sure this is okay?" I ask hesitantly as Bogum grasps my hand and tugs me into the very fancy restaurant. How can a high school student student afford this?
"Of course. Anything for such a cutie like you." He winks making me blush.
Chewing on my bottom lip, I sigh and take a seat. I've agonized over whether I should have cancelled this date or not all week but inevitably decided to go for it thanks to Jimin's encouragement.
Apparently Jungkook plans to take Jimin out on a date soon and wants me to tell him all about my experience so he can compare mine with his and Jungkook's or whatever.
"H-how can you afford this?" I ask, looking down at all the meal prices. The cheapest being a $15 appetizer. Jeeze.
He chuckles. "My parents are very wealthy. I usually don't think much about it and save up my allowance for the future but I enjoy spending it on you." He shrugs.
Wow. Can he get anymore suave? "I'm not sure what I want...can you order for me?" I ask, not sure how he'll feel about it. Jaebum never really let me eat but when he did I never got to choose. I don't really know what I like.
He frowns at me. "You don't have any preferences?"
I shrug, embarrassed. "N-not really."
    He looks unconvinced but doesn't push it. "Alright. The steak and shrimp platter is really good. Want to share?" He offers.
    I nod, relieved, and give him a bright smile. He seems taken aback by it but just smiles in return and grasps my hand on the table. "You're so beautiful." He sighs.
     My eyes widen in surprise. "Oh. Uh, thanks." I drop my face, embarrassed. I don't know how to handle this attention. It's all new to me. Im so used to only getting attention when Jaebum wanted to mate and even then he was rough and didn't even look at me most of the time. Probably was wishing I was someone else...
     "So please...tell me about yourself? I know you have three brothers, right? What about your family? Your interests?"
     I hesitate. How much do I need to lie? "Well...my oldest hyung is Jin. You've met him. Then there is Hoseok and Jimin who are the same age as me. We live with our...guardians." I frown. "Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook. They work with the government and provide for us." I shrug.
    "Which one is Suran's appa?"
    I freeze. "U-um...he's not around. He's g-gone." I whisper.
     His eyes widen. "I'm so sorry."
    "It's fine. He wasn't a good man."
    He nods in understanding. "It's nice that you all raise his baby."
     My heart aches to just tell him the truth. That Suran is mine. "Yeah."
    "Any hobbies?" He changes the subject thankfully.
    "I like to learn and study."
    He nods. "You're really smart. I was so lucky to have you as my tutor and not just because I have a huge crush on you." He coughs.
     I blush. "I'm really not that great."
    "I disagree. So...I have to ask. For my friend. Your brother Hoseok...does he have girlfriend or boyfriend?"
    I frown. "He does."
    "Okay. I was blackmailed into asking." He rolls his eyes, laughing.
    I smile. "Daniel really likes him." I muse.
    "Obsessed. I think he's somehow convinced himself that even though he's been turned down like five times that he'll still end up getting his way. I'm totally sure he has his wedding venue picked out." He teases.
     I laugh imagining Hoseok's face when I tell him all this later. "I think he's only going to avoid him more."
    "Yeah, Daniel is very intense when he wants something or someone. But then again.." he studies me intently. "I guess I'm the same when it comes to you." He caresses my face and I sit back a little.
     "Bogum...I'm not really looking for a relationship...I can do dates and the studying but...I won't be a good boyfriend for you." I sigh. Feeling terrible as his smile dims just a little.
     "I don't care. I will take all you want to offer...just please don't shut down on me or refuse to let me..." he leans forward and kisses my cheek. "Kiss those beautiful plump lips again. I think I could become addicted to you." His mouth skims towards my mouth and barely presses against mine before pulling back.
     I hide my face. We are in a crowded restaurant and he just kissed me! "O-okay..." I whisper, shivering at the look in his eye as the waiter appears with our meal.
     Everything returns more or less normal, thankfully, as we eat and I decide that I love steak. Have never eaten it before now. Oh my god. So good!
    I'm so busy devouring my meal that I flinch when he takes a napkin and wipes my mouth for me. He winks before tossing it away. "I'm glad you like it. Would you like dessert?"
     I take a long drink of my coke. "I think I'm alright, actually." Don't need to get too fat.
     He nods and pays the bill before we grab our coats and walk out onto the street. "Can I bring you to my home?" He asks hesitantly. "I want to show you off to my parents. They don't believe I could snag someone so cute." He teases.
    I scoff. "I'm not cute." Pouting.
    He grins, lifting my chin. "Oh really? That pout isn't helping your case, gorgeous." My breath catches as his lips gently press against mine.
    My fingers clutch his shirt as he deepens the kiss, his tongue licking my bottom lip seeking entrance. I open to him and he explores my mouth, tasting every inch of me.
    I feel him pressing me back against the brick wall, trapping me, and I moan, throwing my arms around his neck, basking in the spark and tingle that runs throughout my entire body. I've never felt this way before.
     He makes me feel special. Something I've never before felt in my entire life. Like I'm a treasure. Fragile yet not something to be easily broken.
     By the time we pull away, we're both breathless. I slowly drop my arms as he runs his thumb over the corner of my mouth, wiping away our mixed saliva. "So beautiful." He rests his forehead against mine as I smile.   
God, why couldn't he be my mate? Why couldn't I meet him in my world and belong to him? Have his young...
     But deep down I know he isn't meant for me. His real human soulmate is out there somewhere and it isn't me. At least I can have his affections for a little while before he realizes he can't have a future with me and moves on. Leaving me behind and forgotten where I belong.

The Omega Possession(sequel to Omega Lottery)Where stories live. Discover now