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    It's only been two weeks and I'm ready to rip my hair out. It's been nearly impossible keeping Jin in bed like he's supposed to be to heal. Soojin and Seokjoon are by far the most troublesome of the young.
     Both are way more loud and rowdy than all the others. Also, it's impossible to get them apart. If we pick one up without the other right beside them, they scream bloody murder until we place them side by side. I know it's just a twin thing but still makes things quite difficult.
     Also...I've been feeling a little...honestly, a little horny. Or a lot. Like a very lot. It has, after all, been a long time. Of course, I'm not going to pressure my mate who's still recovering from the birth of the twins. The others recovered much faster but their labor was much easier as well.
     I've been very conscious of this as I help bathe him everyday. I don't touch him in any inappropriate manner despite how much I love his milky smooth skin.
     I can also tell he's still traumatized from his attack. He still struggles not to flinch when I touch him unexpectedly. I'm trying very hard to not feel offended. It's not his fault.
     I sigh, placing Soojin in her little swing beside Seokjoon and walking briskly into the bedroom to see Jin attempting to walk to the bathroom on his own. He's almost fully healed but still needs help because his bedrest has weakened his muscles.
     I dart across the room and manage to catch him right before he falls. He gasps, clinging to me as I help him to the bathroom. I know he hates it. He thinks it's embarrassing and shameful that I have to help him but he shouldn't. I'm his mate. It's my job to take care of him in every way.
     "The medic said you should be alright to move around more now. Today was your last day of mandatory bedrest." I smile.
     He releases a deep breath. "Good. I was about to go insane."
     "You haven't missed much, love." He remind him. I bring our young in to see him and for him to feed them every single day as well as the others coming in to visit with him.
     "I n-need to go back to school." He sighs, determined but I can sense the fear in his voice.
    "No." I say firmly. "You can do homeschool."
     He shakes his head. "I don't want to do that. If Jimin, Tae, and Hoseok go then I'll go as well."
"Jin-ah. You were attacked and almost lost our young. You aren't going back!"
He scowls at me. "I am! I'm not pregnant anymore so I can take better care of myself."
"You can't defend yourself properly." I strain.
He scoffs. "Just because I've never been given a proper chance! Jungkook and Yoongi don't treat their mates like this! Why can't I have a proper life with more freedom?" He demands harshly.
I pause, taken aback by his strong anger and words. Blinking, I study him more closely. "You want...freedom? Do you not want to be mated anymore?" I ask.
His shoulders slump and he looks away. "No, look-I'm sorry, okay? It's j-just that I'm going crazy being stuck in this stupid room. I need to get out and live. Can't you understand that? Please don't ask me to drop out of school. I actually enjoy it."
Groaning, I look away, knowing he's giving me those big puppy eyes of his. Sighing loudly, I kiss his forehead. "Fine. You can stay in school. I won't trap you. If you want and need space then I'll give you space." I step away from him.
His eyes widen in surprise. "I don't want you to go away. I j-just need a little more time..."
I shake my head, a small smile on my lips. "I get it, love. I'll leave you alone." I rub the back of my neck as he watches me anxiously. "I'm going to go change the babies."

I keep my word. I barely speak to Jin and now that he's healed, I've returned to work and usually opt to work overtime. I've been waiting for him to beg me to come home sooner and spend more time with him...or any acknowledgement at all but nothing. I get nothing.
I eye the wedding bands I bought for us, zoning out. I never told him but I secretly arranged our wedding day. It looks like I might have to cancel it now, though, because it's getting close to the date and I can't figure out how the hell he feels. Does he even still want us to get married? I notice he hasn't even been wearing his engagement ring lately.
He started school back with the others so we've had to start taking the young to daycare.
I just don't know how to mend this growing rift between us. I was hoping after his birth and the healing, we could become closer as a couple, as mates, again but he's given no indication he wants more from me right now.
I've also been told that he's been coming home later and later after school. As soon as the others get out, Bogum drives the omegas to the daycare to get the young but Jin hasn't been among them lately.
I wonder if he's secretly suffering some form of postpartum depression. He seems to love our twins very much, though, and showers them with love and affection. Maybe all his anger is turned towards me for being unable to protect him when he needed it. He just won't talk to me about anything!
I just...I don't know how to fix this. How to bring him closer to me once more. I really don't want to lose him but the more freedom I give him, the farther away he goes. Perhaps if I keep stretching that distance, he'll be too far gone from me to ever return.
And I worry that I have no control over this relationship anymore. I just want my mate back.

The Omega Possession(sequel to Omega Lottery)Where stories live. Discover now