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"It was a million tiny little things that when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together and I knew it

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"It was a million tiny little things that when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together and I knew it."
-Sleepless In Seattle

"Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward."
-Rocky Balboa; Rocky.

I'd like very much to start off with thanking you for clicking on this book and coming to see what's it all about

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I'd like very much to start off with thanking you for clicking on this book and coming to see what's it all about. I very much hope the first chapter hooks you.

So this is my first book here on this account, but it is not my first book ever. I was too young and wasn't at all too verse in writing skills. Though I thought I'd give this a try as I've been prewriting and working hard on this book.

So in this book many of the characters speak Italian and I do not so I rely heavily on the internet for translations, if anyone that reads it speaks Italian please do correct any mistakes. Feel free to comment and correct any grammatical errors as well all any Italian errors.


The cover of this book is made over an image that doesn't belong to me, the owner is not known I found it on google images. Images that are attached to chapters have been sourced from Pinterest and I do not claim ownership to any, GIF's are found on Pinterest as well.

No part of this book is to be reproduced, stored, copied, or transmitted in any form by any means without prior permission of the author.

Now just to clear up some things.

Arieon is our main girl, who lost her parents and brother in a house fire when she was eight years old, where Dominic Dellucci found her when he was eighteen. Dominic had been training back in Italy under his father's wing since he was a young child.

His purpose was to move to California in the states to start a base there when he turned 16 taking his brother Giovanni with him at the age of 12.

They found Arieon Anderson during a stakeout as I said she was eight, it was three years after the Dellucci boys had moved to California. 
So they were 19 and 15 at the time.

Ten years have past by and within the decade three other mafia families have come just as far as he has and he joins forces with one, the Rivera, ran by Luca Rivera who is 26.

The Toscani are a gang, headed by Faro Toscani, who is 40 and bitter that his gang ranked behind two boys. He wants Arieon, and has joined forces with the last family, the Volta, in an attempt to get the Dellucci and the Rivera off the game board.

Kingpin Luca, a simple yet complex man, decides that he'd marry her, because wives were normally very respected in the Mafia world. It was part of the unspoken code.

Wives are to be treated with respect.
When she asks for any information, the answer must drip of honesty.
The wives of friends, are not our friends.
Extra marital affairs must never come into a wive's home.

You'd think these 'made men', these men of honor, would respect their culture, but the hunger for power kills a thousand times faster than starving of any food or drink, and Arieon was their chef.

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