Chapter 31- Tears of My Blade

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Ik I'm super late with this update but I thought that over the past weekend I would finish it. Though I got sick and got my period plus it was my birthday weekend, it was mostly terrible. I'm still super tired, college is still a thing and my body aches.
However I'd like to dedicate this chapter to pinkkpanda01235 , she has been making my days better with all the love she's showing to the book, I love getting those notifs of her comments while in class and reading them from the lock screen lol. Thanks so much hun, and thanks to all my other readers, I appreciate you all.

Tears of My Blade
Arieon's POV

I sat at the breakfast bar, sipping on a spoonful of soup quietly, as Luca got his own bowl

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I sat at the breakfast bar, sipping on a spoonful of soup quietly, as Luca got his own bowl.

I hadn't seen Lorenzo in almost a week after we had our little rendezvous, he was given large jobs to carry out for the Rivera. In other hated words, Luca was keeping him busy. Maybe he heard us, his bedroom was opposite mine.

If the soup wasn't so delicious I probably would've dumped the entire bowl over his head by now.

I didn't even look at him, self control came easy that way in two contexts. I was mad, plus nobody needs a replay of that moment my fingertips ran wild on the skin of his abdomen and- stop!

I broke my thoughts and scooped up another spoonful of soup.

I had no idea what to say to make this less awkward, or if to even say anything at all. I was praying that he wouldn't stay in the kitchen to eat.

To my pleasure he walked out of the doorway with his bowl of soup, then I heard it, like an arrow shot through the air and it pierced my eardrums.

"Dai." (Come.)

"For what?" I automatically replied with a heavy attitude.

"Dai!" I heard again, though it was louder this time, it wasn't an invite, but it was an order I was not going to take from him this time. I didn't move from my barstool and continued to sip my soup.

Fück do I look like to take orders from him, what the fück even gave him the idea that he could even shout orders at me.  I scoffed to emphasize my thoughts as I jabbed at a piece of potato with my spoon.

"Dellucci, come here." He stressed from the other room.

"Rivera, I am not a dog." I mocked his tone and stressed on every word.

"Look, I don't have patience for you right now-"

"So, then why are you calling me!" I countered. Are you that dumb.

I didn't even notice that he had come back into the kitchen and was now standing over me.
"God, you drive me crazy, sei così fottutamente fastidioso!" He hissed as his features scrunched together in frustration and his eyebrow twitched just a bit. (You're so fücking annoying.)

I don't think Luca was the type of person that was ever vocal about their anger; just, the type to swing a gun, but he sure as hell couldn't aim one at me. So I guess he had no choice but to vent it out verbally.

Shit, I didn't have a choice either.

"I don't understand how the fuck- I literally did nothing!" I ground my teeth while I spoke and forced the barstool back, as I stood up furiously. "Don't even say that I didn't listen to you! Non sono una delle tue puttane!" I smacked my palms down on the countertop, my hands were itching to connect to Luca.  (I'm not one of your whores!)

His expression softened a bit, but quickly tended back up as his hands began to raise from his sides.
Before he could speak, along with lift his arms, I pushed my fingers down the neck of my shirt quickly and retrieved the same long clip blade I always had there.

"I could just-" He began, but stopped upon realized that I had my blade jabbing just below his collarbone.

I wasn't intending to slit his throat at the moment, it was just to warn him. I lowered the blade, but when he made a move to grab me again I jammed it into the front of his left shoulder. He exhaled in pain and his face tensed up even more. He let out a laugh of sorts.

He raised his other hand and he grabbed a fistful of my hair as he tried to force me back.
Mother fucker, I tried my best to stifle back my whine and twisted the knife further into his flesh.

His hand relaxed around my hair and caressed my head for a second. 

"I'll kill you." I heard Lorenzo snarl from a distance.  I raised my head to look at him.

I laid my eyes on Lorenzo, and without a second thought pulled the blade out of Luca's shoulder rapidly. Lor had taken a step towards his cousin, who was already sizing him up behind his pained groans. I wouldn't prevent much by trying to stop Luca, so I had to try to distract Lor.

I turned away from Luca, as I heard him grunt behind me and took two long strides to meet Lor. I dropped the blade and hung onto his neck, stopping him in his tracks.

"Let's go." I said, as I pulled him away.

"I don't understand your problem-" Lorenzo huffed at Luca.

"You. My own cousin, after my wife. You don't think that's the talk of the fucking family."He replied before falling silent, but that sentence rattled in my brain.

"You have your comares. So what does it matter." Lorenzo challenged. (Mistresses.)

It mattered alright. Infidelity was common with mafiosos, especially the older generations, but Luca and I had a sort of agreement. It was said that we didn't have to be committed.

Though I was sensing that his problem was with Lorenzo specifically. 

"Because you are the underboss, sleeping with the Don's wife." Luca spat. He was fuming and refused to even look at us.

There it is. He felt disrespected by his cousin. There was so much wrong with that besides the sex.

I pulled Lorenzo back upstairs and thought it best to stay across the floor in his room. I could at least keep an eye on one of them and try to postpone this fight they so badly want happen.

Eventually, Lor fell asleep with his head on my stomach and I stared at the ceiling. I really couldn't understand Luca. I could barely get him out of my head, he was so goddamn annoying. When he didn't want to kill me he was almost tolerable. It was like two different people.

The whole disrespect thing wasn't really my problem, but it weighed heavy with me, Luca was being ridiculed within his own family, this could make a weak point in the business.

I picked up Lorenzo's phone off the bed and checked the time. It was four pm and I had plans to spend the night and hang out tomorrow at my brothers'.

I shifted Lor's head off of my lap and slipped out of his bed carefully. As I shut his bedroom door I became aware of the crashes coming from upstairs.

What the fuck could be going on.

I debated on going upstairs, the third floor was where business was done, perhaps it was just a violent meeting.

I doubt it.

I paced down the hall way and took the stairs two, almost three at a time. I don't know what I was expecting but the sight of Luca beating on Pietro wasn't it.

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