Chapter 43- Fights and Games

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Fights and Games
Arieon's POV

The couple days that followed were calm, still filled with Elena, but after everything Luca had said that night and what happened between us after, I tried not to mind her

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The couple days that followed were calm, still filled with Elena, but after everything Luca had said that night and what happened between us after, I tried not to mind her. She'd come into the room sometimes and I'd greet her, as politely as I could. She'd even ask me to join them, but I always said no.

I didn't want shared time with anyone. Not Luca, not Lorenzo not even my own brothers. Honestly I'd get jealous and annoyed really fast. I didn't need to see Elena fawning over Luca, nor did I need to see him just completely enjoying her presence and adoring the bitch.

He's practically never even said anything resembling a swear word to her, whereas he would tear apart my whole world, doesn't matter if he'd put it back together when he was done.

This morning however I woke up to the air filled with Luca's perfume, but he wasn't in the room. I guessed he went out with Elena, and I pushed them to the back of my mind.

I had showered, and gotten ready for the day to just be by myself, as usual. However, it was even lonelier since the party, Moriz wasn't around and Julius was keeping his distance from me. I guess I really got him mad the other night.

So most of the day, I wallowed in the room. I spoke to Lorenzo for awhile, he couldn't really talk to me and stay focused on the family back home. So I marinated in my thoughts, doubts and regrets about everything since I've been on this trip. I'd be back in California tomorrow.

I hated myself for allowing any of this to happen and I didn't know how I'd go back to Lorenzo and be his girlfriend. I didn't think I could and it actually scared me. It made worry, and I wasn't sure of what it was I was worried about.

Since the night after the party, I felt like something changed. Everything finally started to piece together, or more like I finally let it piece together. The lock screen, the mood swings, the fights, acting like the fights never happened and the outbursts we both had.

It's either Luca was fucking insane or- nah there was no other option. He was definitely insane, but what did that make me.

"What category would I fall under?"  I whispered to myself.

The door opened, and I looked up, for my eyes to meet Luca. When he closed the door I realized that it was just him and I was so relieved.

"Hey." He greeted me. "Get ready." He told me, as he hastily took his blazer off and threw it at the chair in the corner.

"For what?" I asked, leaning off the bed frame, intrigued at his request. He stalked over to the bed, pulling his tie off. He put it on the bed gently. Right, because god forbid his expensive tie got a wrinkle.

If it was one thing I had observed about Luca, over time, was that he cared about his ties more than anything else in his wardrobe.

"I'm taking you out." He gave me a look and started to undo his shirt. I pouted and wiggled my eyebrows, that wasn't an answer. "Do you want to come or not. You like being holed up in this room?" He furrowed his brows.

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