destiny has arrived

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"Hear me and rejoice

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"Hear me and rejoice."

Flames flickered, scattered across the remnants of what had once served as a sort of Noah's Ark to the Asgardian refugees fleeing from Hela's wrath. Littering the rubble of the hull of the destroyed ship was what was left of the Asgardian people; nothing more than dead bodies as the putrid stench of blood and death hung in the air as if it were a vulture, circling its prey as it claimed the last breaths from those whose hearts struggled to beat on.

"You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan."

Weaving in and out of the carnage and arson was the Ebony Maw himself, carefully stepping over the limp bodies of fallen civilians turned soldiers, toeing elegantly around a young girl that clung to her mother still, even after death had claimed them both. His words rung out amidst the silence that had overcome the ship as the few of those tortured with having their final moments filled with watching their people suffered breathed heavily, watching the Maw as he spoke in a poised manner as if he were merely giving a speech at a dinner party rather than assisting a genocide.

"You may think this is suffering -- No. It is salvation."

Blood trickled out from the corners of Aura's mouth as her chest heaved up and down with great effort, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. Exhaustion flooded her body as she was forced upwards by two faceless soldiers of Thanos, both of them gripping her shoulders tightly in order to keep her standing as her knees buckled, her entire body beginning to fail as pure pain shook her entire body to its core, racking it until she was internally begging for the sweet mercy of death.


Those familiar words hardly startled Aura has she heard them -- she had heard all of these words before -- she had lived this all before. Blinking her eyes was almost too much effort as she forced herself to look up, her eyes hardly able to take the all too familiar scene of complete and utter horror in front of her as her gaze swept around the room. Yet her eyes, which had once sparked with such a fire, were just as dull as her armor which, although relatively in tact, was covered in nothing more than sweat, blood, tears, and even grime as she gazed lifelessly around the room, reduced to a mere half version of her former state.

"For even in death you have become children of Thanos."

"I know what it's like to lose."

Hearing the new and all too familiar voice, Aura hardly reacted, merely letting out a groan of pain as the horrendous feeling racked her body in multiple waves at once, sending tremors all throughout her as her legs shook under the pressure of keeping herself upwards, even with the unwanted assistance. Crumbling downwards, Aura was forced back upwards with a violent jerk from the soldiers positioned to keep her standing as she choked on a cry of pain her body wouldn't let become aired for those left to hear.

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